Royalty-Free Reporting for ASP.NET MVC

Royalty-Free Reporting for ASP.NET MVC
DevExpress Reports for ASP.NET MVC allows you to integrate feature-complete reporting within any MVC project. DevExpress Reports offers dozens of built-in features to simplify the report generation process. From master-detail information of any complexity to built-in data export options, DevExpress Reports has been consistently voted #1 by readers of Visual Studio Magazine. And yes, DevExpress Reports ships with a full-featured, web-based report designer.
Web Report Designer

Web Report Designer
This demo illustrates use of the HTML5 Web Report Designer. It allows end-users to customize the report's structure within modern browsers, without having to install additional software.
Balance Sheet

Balance Sheet
This demo illustrates how to use the Cross Tab control to create a Balance Sheet report. In this demo, the Cross Tab's HierarchicalRowLayout property is enabled to display rows in a tree-like form. Grand total values and field headers are hidden, and column field values are grouped by years. The GroupRowIndex variable is used in expressions to apply odd and even row styles.
Cross-Band Content

Cross-Band Content
This demo illustrates how you can display Group Header content across a group. The Group Header's PrintAcrossBands property is active and the controls within the band are printed as a background layer for subsequent Group Header, Detail and Group Footer bands. The Detail band's FillEmptySpace property is enabled to get rid of the gap between details and totals.
Large Dataset

Large Dataset
This demo illustrates the CachedReportSource component functionality that allows you to create documents whose size is only limited by the amount of free hard drive space. This component stores pages during the document generation in a file or database storage, which frees up the memory and speeds up the performance.

This demo illustrates a sample Invoice report. Refer to the Get Started with DevExpress Reporting documentation section and the DevExpress Reporting video channel for details on how to create reports.
Master-Detail Report

Master-Detail Report
This demo illustrates the use of Detail Report bands when generating a master-detail report. The report displays the invoice data where the Detail Report lists the products ordered.
Profit And Loss Report

Profit And Loss Report
This demo illustrates how to use vertical bands to create a sample profit and loss statement. These bands allow you to design reports where record fields are arranged vertically, and records are printed horizontally.

You can use the DevExpress Reporting Chart control to add charts to your reports. In this demo, the Chart control displays sales data collected from different sources, and FederationDataSource is used to combine these sources into one data source. The chart's Data Member is set to the Categories.CategoriesProducts relation.
Sales Summary Report

Sales Summary Report
This demo illustrates how to use the Cross Tab control to create a Sales Summary report.
Table Report

Table Report
This demo illustrates how to use the Table control to create a table report. This control allows you to draw a data-aware table and apply report styles (for example, to odd and even table rows).
Label Report

Label Report
The DevExpress Report Wizard allows you to choose between more than 1500 predefined label types and specify label options. This demo report is created using the Report Wizard and can be printed on a specific label printer.
Report Merging with PDF

Report Merging with PDF
In this invoice demo, a report document is merged with PDF content. The report includes an XRPdfContent control that adds a PDF specification document for each product ordered.
Rich Text and Mail Merge

Rich Text and Mail Merge
This demo illustrates how to use Mail Merge and the Rich Text control within DevExpress Reports.
Drill-Through Report

Drill-Through Report
This demo implements a drill-through report. In Preview mode, click "Order Detail" cells in the main report to navigate to a detail report and view extended order information.
Drill-Down Report

Drill-Down Report
This demo illustrates the power of drill-down reports - a document with expandable/collapsible sections in Preview mode. The report displays invoices where the expandable/collapsible section of the report lists purchased products.
Restaurant Menu

Restaurant Menu
This demo illustrates how to use a detail band's multi-column settings to create a two-column restaurant menu.
Vehicle Inspection Report

Vehicle Inspection Report
This demo illustrates a localized report that incorporates design and text variations that target different languages and cultures. A report in this demo uses the Check Box, Label and Picture Box controls in edit mode to create a customizable Vehicle Inspection Report.