Details of the customer order 10294
Supplier Unit Price Quantity Discount Subtotal
Chai Charlotte Cooper (Exotic Liquids, Purchasing Manager) - UK, London, EC1 4SD 49 Gilbert St. $14.40 18 0% $259.20
Alice Mutton Ian Devling (Pavlova, Ltd., Marketing Manager) - Australia, Melbourne, 3058 74 Rose St.
Moonie Ponds
$31.20 15 0% $468.00
Ipoh Coffee Chandra Leka (Leka Trading, Owner) - Singapore, Singapore, 0512 471 Serangoon Loop, Suite #402 $36.80 15 0% $552.00
Camembert Pierrot Eliane Noz (Gai pâturage, Sales Representative) - France, Annecy, 74000 Bat. B3, rue des Alpes $27.20 21 5% $542.64
Rhönbräu Klosterbier Martin Bein (Plutzer Lebensmittelgroßmärkte AG, International Marketing Mgr.) - Germany, Frankfurt, 60439 Bogenallee 51 $6.20 6 0% $37.20
Total order cost: $1859.04