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Charts - Inverted Chart

This example shows the PolarChart with inverted axes. You can specify the clockwise or counter-clockwise direction of the argumentAxis by using the inverted property. Similarly, you can change the direction of the valueAxis.

Backend API
@(Html.DevExtreme().PolarChart() .ID("chart") .DataSource(new[] { new { arg = 0, val = 0.0 }, new { arg = 30, val = 0.87 }, new { arg = 45, val = 1.0 }, new { arg = 60, val = 0.87 }, new { arg = 90, val = 0.0 }, new { arg = 120, val = 0.87 }, new { arg = 135, val = 1.0 }, new { arg = 150, val = 0.87 }, new { arg = 180, val = 0.0 }, new { arg = 210, val = 0.87 }, new { arg = 225, val = 1.0 }, new { arg = 240, val = 0.87 }, new { arg = 270, val = 0.0 }, new { arg = 300, val = 0.87 }, new { arg = 315, val = 1.0 }, new { arg = 330, val = 0.87 }, new { arg = 360, val = 0.0 } }) .Series(s => s.Add().Type(PolarChartSeriesType.Area).Name("Function")) .Legend(l => l.Visible(false)) .ArgumentAxis(a => a.Inverted(true).StartAngle(90).TickInterval(30)) .ValueAxis(a => a.Inverted(true)) .Export(e => e.Enabled(true)) .Title("Inverted Rose in Polar Coordinates") )
using DevExtreme.AspNet.Data; using DevExtreme.AspNet.Mvc; using DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Models; using DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Models.SampleData; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Controllers { public class ChartsController : Controller { public ActionResult InvertedChart() { return View(); } } }
#chart { height: 440px; }