Export Data

Contact Name Contact Title Company Name Full Address
Country: Austria
Roland Mendel Sales Manager Ernst Handel Graz - 8010 - Kirchgasse 6
Georg Pipps Sales Manager Piccolo und mehr Salzburg - 5020 - Geislweg 14
Country: Belgium
Pascale Cartrain Accounting Manager Suprêmes délices Charleroi - B-6000 - Boulevard Tirou, 255
Country: Brazil
Mario Pontes Accounting Manager Hanari Carnes Rio de Janeiro - 05454-876 - Rua do Paço, 67
Bernardo Batista Accounting Manager Que Delícia Rio de Janeiro - 02389-673 - Rua da Panificadora, 12
Paula Parente Sales Manager Wellington Importadora Resende - 08737-363 - Rua do Mercado, 12
Country: Canada

The DevExpress Blazor Grid allows you to export data to XLS, XLSX, and CSV file formats. When exporting to Excel formats, the resulting file can maintain data grouping, sorting, filtering, totals, and group summaries.

The Grid implements the following data export methods:

All these methods accept the options parameter. This options parameter allows you to customize the exported document.

The Grid exports data for every visible column. Set a column's ExportEnabled property to false to prevent data export for a specific column.

In this demo, export methods are called when a user clicks a corresponding "Export..." button. These methods accept the following settings:

  • The ExportSelectedRowsOnly option is set based on the Export Selected Rows Only check box selection state.
  • The CustomizeCell event handler applies italic formatting to cells within the ContactName column.

For detailed information on how to export grid data and examples, refer to the following help topic: Export Data.