8 8:00 | 00 | |||||
9 9:00 | 00 | |||||
10 10:00 | 00 | |||||
11 11:00 | 00 | |||||
12 12 PM | PM | |||||
1 1:00 | 00 | |||||
2 2:00 | 00 | |||||
3 3:00 | 00 | |||||
4 4:00 | 00 | |||||
5 5:00 | 00 | |||||
6 6:00 | 00 | |||||
The DevExpress Blazor Scheduler allows you to add custom properties/fields to appointments, labels, and status items. To create these custom elements, define custom fields in source objects and add them to the CustomFieldMappings collection. In this demo, an appointment's source object includes an Accepted custom field that is mapped to the IsAccepted appointment property. The property value is used in the HorizontalAppointmentTemplate and VerticalAppointmentTemplate to change appointment appearance.
Our Blazor Scheduler control also allows you to customize the appointment edit form as needs dictate. Use the following properties to construct your custom form layout:
- AppointmentFormLayout — extended form layout that appears on-screen when you create an appointment and click the expand button or when you edit an appointment.
- AppointmentFormHeaderTemplate — extended form header.
- AppointmentCompactFormLayout — compact form layout that appears on-screen when you create an appointment.
- AppointmentCompactFormHeaderTemplate — compact form header.
The Scheduler ships with a set of predefined form layout items (DxSchedulerSubjectFormLayoutItem, DxSchedulerStartDateFormLayoutItem, DxSchedulerStartTimeFormLayoutItem, etc). You can also add a custom item (DxSchedulerCustomFormLayoutItem ) and define its Template property. In this demo, custom layout items are used to display the IsAccepted property's editor and its validation summary.
You can also add predefined or custom buttons to appointment forms and associated headers. In this demo, AppointmentFormHeaderTemplate and AppointmentCompactFormHeaderTemplate contain such buttons.
To pass information about custom properties to the edit form, implement a custom descendant from the SchedulerAppointmentFormInfo class and assign it in the AppointmentFormShowing event handler.
To enable form validation, mark appointment properties in your custom class with annotation attributes and set the Scheduler's ValidateEditForm property to true.
You can also specify the appointment form used to create and edit appointments: the compact form, pop-up form, or both. To specify appointment form mode, use the AppointmentFormMode property.