Group by Resource

Nancy Davolio Andrew Fuller Janet Leverling
5 Sun
6 Mon
5 Sun
6 Mon
5 Sun
6 Mon
9 9:00 00
10 10:00 00
11 11:00 00
12 12 PM PM
1 1:00 00
2 2:00 00
3 3:00 00
4 4:00 00
5 5:00 00
Scheduler that displays resources Nancy Davolio, Andrew Fuller, Janet Leverling for the time period January 5, 2025 through January 6, 2025. 17 appointments available.

Our Blazor Scheduler component allows you to assign resources to individual appointments/events. Resources allow you to display schedules across multiple columns. For example, you can create a resource item for each employee and then group appointments by this resource.

The DevExpress Blazor Scheduler component includes a drop-down Resource Navigator window. Use this window to hide or display resource groups as needed.

This demo illustrates how to easily group scheduled appointments by resource. When appointments are grouped by a resource and the Scheduler component displays multiple dates and resources, date headers are grouped under resource headers.

To group appointments by resource, set the GroupType property to Resource.