Appointment Tooltips

23 Sun
24 Mon
Nancy Davolio Andrew Fuller Janet Leverling Nancy Davolio Andrew Fuller Janet Leverling
Install New Database
Customer Workshop
Book Flights to San Fran for Sales Trip
Install New Database
9 9:00 00
10 10:00 00
11 11:00 00
12 12 PM PM
1 1:00 00
2 2:00 00
3 3:00 00
4 4:00 00
5 5:00 00
Install New Router in Dev Room
Approve Personal Computer Upgrade Plan
Upgrade Personal Computers
Approve Personal Computer Upgrade Plan
Final Budget Review
Approve Personal Computer Upgrade Plan
Prepare 2021 Marketing Plan
Brochure Design Review
Website Redesign Plan
New Brochures
Create Icons for Website
Approve New Online Marketing Strategy
Upgrade Server Hardware
Launch New Website
Scheduler that displays resources Nancy Davolio, Andrew Fuller, Janet Leverling for the time period February 23, 2025 through February 24, 2025. 18 appointments available.

You can fully customize tooltips that appear on-screen when a user clicks an appointment/event. Use our AppointmentTooltipHeaderTemplate and AppointmentTooltipTemplate properties to customize a tooltip's header and body. Use the context parameter within property markup to access appointment data. This parameter returns a SchedulerAppointmentTooltipInfo object.

Our Blazor Scheduler component allows you to add the following predefined buttons to a tooltip and its header:

If our predefined buttons do not address your requirements, you can create custom buttons as requirements dictate.

You can also use the ShowAppointmentTooltip property to display/hide a tooltip.