Appointment Tooltips

7 Tue
8 Wed
Nancy Davolio Andrew Fuller Janet Leverling Nancy Davolio Andrew Fuller Janet Leverling
9 9:00 00
10 10:00 00
11 11:00 00
12 12 PM PM
1 1:00 00
2 2:00 00
3 3:00 00
4 4:00 00
5 5:00 00

You can fully customize tooltips that appear on-screen when a user clicks an appointment/event. Use our AppointmentTooltipHeaderTemplate and AppointmentTooltipTemplate properties to customize a tooltip's header and body. Use the context parameter within property markup to access appointment data. This parameter returns a SchedulerAppointmentTooltipInfo object.

Our Blazor Scheduler component allows you to add the following predefined buttons to a tooltip and its header:

If our predefined buttons do not address your requirements, you can create custom buttons as requirements dictate.

You can also use the ShowAppointmentTooltip property to display/hide a tooltip.