Date Header

28 Sat
29 Sun
30 Mon
1 Tue
2 Wed
9 9:00 00
10 10:00 00
11 11:00 00
12 12 PM PM
1 1:00 00
2 2:00 00
3 3:00 00
4 4:00 00
5 5:00 00

You can customize the content and appearance of date header cells in the Scheduler. Use the view-specific DateHeaderCellTemplate property (for example, DxSchedulerDayView.DateHeaderCellTemplate, and so on) to specify custom content and layout. In the markup for this property, use the context parameter to access information about the date header cell. This parameter returns a SchedulerDateHeaderCellInfo object.

You can also handle the HtmlCellDecoration event to customize the appearance of different Scheduler cells.