Conditional Formatting

Region March Sales September Sales March Change September Change Market Share
$214,424 $224,751 4.44% 3.36% 70%
$34,487 $40,726 7.21% 6.69% 52%
$10,800 $11,000 4.63% 2.73% 80%
Middle East
$12,500 $12,990 0.80% 0.85% 58%
$68,200 $72,550 1.28% 1.42% 41%
North America
$34,500 $35,800 7.25% 5.03% 84%
South America
$18,500 $19,800 5.41% 3.54% 32%
Data grid with 7 rows and 6 columns

Our DevExpress TreeList for Blazor allows you to customize the appearance of UI elements based on custom conditions. To introduce this capability in your next DevExpress-powered Blazor app, handle the TreeList's CustomizeElement event and use the following event arguments to modify row and cell styles:

  • ElementType — An element type.
  • CssClass — The name of a CSS class applied to the processed element.
  • Attributes — Standard HTML attributes applied to the processed element.
  • Style — A standard HTML style attribute applied to the processed element.
  • VisibleIndex — The visible index of the processed row or row that contains the processed cell.
  • Column — The column that corresponds to the processed cell.
  • TreeList — Provides access to TreeList properties.

This demo customizes the appearance of TreeList elements as follows:

  • Nodes with children are gray.
  • Cells in March Change and September Change columns with values larger than 5% are colored green.
  • Cells in March Change and September Change columns with values less than -5% are colored red.