Simplify & Clarify Product Messaging | John Heart | 4/3/2018 | 4/14/2018 | Low |
Prepare Financial Reports | Samantha Bright | 4/3/2018 | 4/7/2018 | Medium |
Prepare Marketing Plan | Arthur Miller | 4/7/2018 | 4/14/2018 | High |
Create Action Plan to Improve Customer Engagement | Robert Reagan | 8/8/2017 | 4/8/2018 | Medium |
Update Personnel Files | Greta Sims | 8/8/2017 | 10/18/2017 | Medium |
Review Health Insurance Options | Brett Wade | 9/27/2017 | 11/10/2017 | High |
Choose Between PPO and HMO Health Plan | Sandra Johnson | 12/13/2017 | 3/23/2018 | Low |
Update Google Adwords Strategy | Ed Holmes | 8/23/2017 | 12/23/2017 | Low |
Create New Brochure Design | Barb Banks | 1/3/2018 | 3/14/2018 | High |
Obtain Price Quote for New Brochure | Kevin Carter | 2/1/2018 | 3/15/2018 | High |
Brochure Design Review | Cindy Stanwick | 8/22/2017 | 10/28/2017 | Medium |
Review Website Redesign Strategy | Sammy Hill | 9/16/2017 | 3/6/2018 | Low |
Roll Out New Website | Davey Jones | 11/7/2017 | 2/6/2018 | Low |
Update Sales/Marketing Strategy | Victor Norris | 12/13/2017 | 4/2/2018 | Medium |
Update Sales/Revenue Report | Mary Stern | 12/25/2017 | 4/2/2018 | Medium |
Direct vs Online Sales Comparison Report | Robin Cosworth | 1/2/2018 | 3/20/2018 | Low |
Review Sales Report and Approve Modifications | Kelly Rodriguez | 9/4/2017 | 10/30/2017 | Low |
Update R&D Strategy | James Anderson | 11/13/2017 | 12/4/2017 | High |
Discuss Updated R&D Strategy | Antony Remmen | 10/29/2017 | 12/31/2017 | Medium |
Update QA Strategy | Olivia Peyton | 10/31/2017 | 11/2/2017 | Medium |
Schedule Training Events | Taylor Riley | 11/19/2017 | 4/7/2018 | High |
Approve Hiring of John Jeffers | Amelia Harper | 1/7/2018 | 4/8/2018 | Medium |
Increase Average Subscription Price | Wally Hobbs | 8/9/2017 | 9/13/2017 | Low |
Update Non-Compete Agreements | Brad Jameson | 8/9/2017 | 9/3/2017 | Low |
Update Employee Records with New NDA | Karen Goodson | 8/23/2017 | 9/10/2017 | Low |
Sign Updated NDAs | Marcus Orbison | 9/10/2017 | 9/11/2017 | Low |
Submit Questions Regarding New NDA | Sandy Bright | 8/16/2017 | 9/5/2017 | Low |
Submit Signed NDA | Morgan Kennedy | 8/10/2017 | 8/18/2017 | High |
Update Revenue Projections | Violet Bailey | 8/13/2017 | 9/10/2017 | Low |
Review Revenue Projections | Ken Samuelson | 8/11/2017 | 8/16/2017 | High |
Comment on Revenue Projections | Nat Maguiree | 8/21/2017 | 9/2/2017 | Medium |
Provide New Health Insurance Docs | Bart Arnaz | 8/10/2017 | 9/3/2017 | High |
Review Changes to Health Insurance Coverage | Leah Simpson | 9/10/2017 | 9/13/2017 | Low |
Reduce Churn to Less than 1% Monthly | Arnie Schwartz | 2/12/2018 | 5/1/2018 | Low |
Scan Health Insurance Forms | Billy Zimmer | 2/12/2018 | 2/25/2018 | High |
Sign Health Insurance Forms | Samantha Piper | 3/1/2018 | 3/28/2018 | Low |
Follow Up with West Coast Stores | Maggie Boxter | 3/7/2018 | 3/11/2018 | Low |
Follow Up with East Coast Stores | Terry Bradley | 3/14/2018 | 4/12/2018 | High |
Send Email to Customers About Recall | Gabe Jones | 3/12/2018 | 4/10/2018 | Low |
Submit Refund Report For 2017 Recall | Lucy Ball | 3/12/2018 | 3/29/2018 | High |
Obtain Final Approval for Refunds | Jim Packard | 4/24/2018 | 4/25/2018 | Low |
Prepare Product Recall Report | Hannah Brookly | 2/20/2018 | 4/24/2018 | Low |
Review Product Recall Report with Engineering Team | Harv Mudd | 2/27/2018 | 4/21/2018 | Low |
Create Training Course for New TVs | Clark Morgan | 4/3/2018 | 4/24/2018 | Medium |
Review Training Course for Omissions | Todd Hoffman | 2/19/2018 | 3/28/2018 | Medium |
Review Overtime Report | Jackie Garmin | 3/23/2018 | 4/4/2018 | Low |
Submit Overtime Request Forms | Lincoln Bartlett | 3/28/2018 | 4/27/2018 | Medium |
Overtime Approval Guidelines | Brad Farkus | 3/1/2018 | 3/10/2018 | Low |
Refund Request Template | Jenny Hobbs | 2/24/2018 | 3/6/2018 | High |
Recall Rebate Form | Dallas Lou | 3/27/2018 | 5/1/2018 | Medium |
Finalize the Content Strategy | Stu Pizaro | 3/10/2018 | 4/11/2018 | High |
Create Report on Customer Feedback | John Heart | 3/10/2018 | 3/15/2018 | Low |
Review Customer Feedback Report | Samantha Bright | 3/22/2018 | 4/4/2018 | Low |
Customer Feedback Report Analysis | Arthur Miller | 3/16/2018 | 3/23/2018 | Medium |
Prepare Shipping Cost Analysis Report | Robert Reagan | 3/28/2018 | 4/9/2018 | High |
Provide Feedback on Shippers | Greta Sims | 3/12/2018 | 4/6/2018 | High |
Select Preferred Shipper | Brett Wade | 3/11/2018 | 4/11/2018 | Medium |
Grow Subscriber Base by 5% per Week | Sandra Johnson | 7/24/2017 | 2/10/2018 | Low |
Complete Shipper Selection Form | Ed Holmes | 7/24/2017 | 12/24/2017 | Medium |
Upgrade Server Hardware | Barb Banks | 8/8/2017 | 10/10/2017 | Low |
Upgrade Personal Computers | Kevin Carter | 11/25/2017 | 2/9/2018 | Medium |
Approve Personal Computer Upgrade Plan | Cindy Stanwick | 9/25/2017 | 12/28/2017 | Low |
Decide On Mobile Devices Used in the Field | Sammy Hill | 10/6/2017 | 11/26/2017 | Medium |
Upgrade Apps to WPF or Stay with WinForms | Davey Jones | 9/11/2017 | 10/17/2017 | Low |
Estimate Time Required to Create Touch-Enabled Apps | Victor Norris | 12/16/2017 | 1/11/2018 | Low |
Report on Transition to Touch-Based Apps | Mary Stern | 11/5/2017 | 11/20/2017 | High |
Try New Touch-Enabled WinForms Apps | Robin Cosworth | 9/2/2017 | 1/20/2018 | Low |
Roll Out New Touch-Enabled WinForms Apps | Kelly Rodriguez | 9/30/2017 | 11/23/2017 | Medium |
Site Up-Time Report | James Anderson | 7/24/2017 | 9/13/2017 | Low |
Review Site Up-Time Report | Antony Remmen | 9/14/2017 | 1/21/2018 | High |
Review Online Sales Report | Olivia Peyton | 8/13/2017 | 1/15/2018 | High |
Determine New Online Marketing Strategy | Taylor Riley | 12/11/2017 | 12/16/2017 | Medium |
New Online Marketing Strategy | Amelia Harper | 12/19/2017 | 1/15/2018 | High |
Approve New Online Marketing Strategy | Wally Hobbs | 11/6/2017 | 11/21/2017 | Low |
Submit New Website Design | Brad Jameson | 8/30/2017 | 2/10/2018 | High |
Increase the CTR% to Above Industry Average 3.5% | Karen Goodson | 7/11/2017 | 4/15/2018 | Low |
Create Icons for Website | Marcus Orbison | 7/11/2017 | 4/4/2018 | High |
Review PSDs for New Website | Sandy Bright | 10/1/2017 | 1/16/2018 | Medium |
Create New Shopping Cart | Morgan Kennedy | 7/16/2017 | 9/20/2017 | Low |
Create New Product Pages | Violet Bailey | 11/8/2017 | 1/26/2018 | Low |
Review New Product Pages | Ken Samuelson | 10/5/2017 | 4/1/2018 | High |
Approve Website Launch | Nat Maguiree | 11/7/2017 | 1/20/2018 | Low |
Launch New Website | Bart Arnaz | 3/16/2018 | 4/10/2018 | High |
Update Customer Shipping Profiles | Leah Simpson | 7/28/2017 | 9/16/2017 | Low |
Create New Shipping Return Labels | Arnie Schwartz | 11/6/2017 | 12/18/2017 | Low |
Get Design for Shipping Return Labels | Billy Zimmer | 7/26/2017 | 1/10/2018 | Medium |
PSD Needed for Shipping Return Labels | Samantha Piper | 12/21/2017 | 3/1/2018 | Medium |
Request Bandwidth Increase from ISP | Maggie Boxter | 11/28/2017 | 2/5/2018 | Medium |
Submit D&B Number to ISP for Credit Approval | Terry Bradley | 10/10/2017 | 10/23/2017 | Low |
Contact ISP and Discuss Payment Options | Gabe Jones | 12/22/2017 | 4/14/2018 | Low |
Prepare Year-End Support Summary Report | Lucy Ball | 11/11/2017 | 11/25/2017 | High |
Analyze Support Traffic | Jim Packard | 12/4/2017 | 4/15/2018 | Low |
Close the Final Budget | Hannah Brookly | 6/5/2017 | 6/18/2017 | Low |
Review New Training Material | Harv Mudd | 6/5/2017 | 6/16/2017 | High |
Distribute Training Material to Support Staff | Clark Morgan | 6/11/2017 | 6/14/2017 | Low |
Training Material Distribution Schedule | Todd Hoffman | 6/8/2017 | 6/12/2017 | Medium |
Provide New Artwork to Support Team | Jackie Garmin | 6/13/2017 | 6/16/2017 | Medium |
Publish New Art on the Server | Lincoln Bartlett | 6/12/2017 | 6/18/2017 | Medium |
Replace Old Artwork with New Artwork | Brad Farkus | 6/6/2017 | 6/12/2017 | High |
Ship New Brochures to Field | Jenny Hobbs | 6/14/2017 | 6/15/2017 | Low |
Ship Brochures to Todd Hoffman | Dallas Lou | 6/7/2017 | 6/16/2017 | Low |
Update Server with Service Packs | Stu Pizaro | 6/12/2017 | 6/14/2017 | Medium |
Install New Database | John Heart | 6/8/2017 | 6/12/2017 | Low |
Approve Overtime for HR | Samantha Bright | 6/14/2017 | 6/17/2017 | Medium |
Review New HDMI Specification | Arthur Miller | 6/6/2017 | 6/11/2017 | Low |
Approval on Converting to New HDMI Specification | Robert Reagan | 6/11/2017 | 6/15/2017 | Low |
Create New Spike for Automation Server | Greta Sims | 6/7/2017 | 6/15/2017 | Low |
Report on Retail Sales Strategy | Brett Wade | 6/11/2017 | 6/12/2017 | Medium |
Code Review - New Automation Server | Sandra Johnson | 6/7/2017 | 6/18/2017 | Low |
Achieve Record Metrics in All Areas | Ed Holmes | 4/24/2017 | 2/3/2018 | Low |
Feedback on New Training Course | Barb Banks | 4/24/2017 | 12/7/2017 | High |
Send Monthly Invoices from Shippers | Kevin Carter | 11/30/2017 | 1/25/2018 | Low |
Schedule Meeting with Sales Team | Cindy Stanwick | 5/10/2017 | 1/21/2018 | Low |
Confirm Availability for Sales Meeting | Sammy Hill | 8/4/2017 | 8/22/2017 | Low |
Reschedule Sales Team Meeting | Davey Jones | 10/1/2017 | 2/3/2018 | High |
Begin Content Review | Victor Norris | 4/27/2017 | 2/25/2018 | Medium |
Send 2 Remotes for Giveaways | Mary Stern | 4/27/2017 | 9/12/2017 | Low |
Ship 2 Remotes Priority to Clark Morgan | Robin Cosworth | 10/26/2017 | 10/31/2017 | Medium |
Discuss Product Giveaways with Management | Kelly Rodriguez | 5/23/2017 | 1/25/2018 | Low |
Follow Up Email to Recent Online Purchasers | James Anderson | 5/24/2017 | 6/2/2017 | Low |
Replace Desktops on the 3rd Floor | Antony Remmen | 5/9/2017 | 12/31/2017 | Low |
Update Database with New Leads | Olivia Peyton | 7/26/2017 | 11/2/2017 | Low |
Mail New Leads for Follow Up | Taylor Riley | 6/13/2017 | 8/12/2017 | Low |
Send Territory Sales Breakdown | Amelia Harper | 5/20/2017 | 9/21/2017 | Low |
Territory Sales Breakdown Report | Wally Hobbs | 11/8/2017 | 1/24/2018 | Low |
Return Merchandise Report | Brad Jameson | 10/7/2017 | 2/25/2018 | Low |
Produce Online Survey | Karen Goodson | 10/14/2017 | 3/25/2018 | Low |
Report on the State of Engineering Dept | Marcus Orbison | 10/14/2017 | 11/30/2017 | Medium |
Staff Productivity Report | Sandy Bright | 12/20/2017 | 1/20/2018 | Low |
Review Company-Wide HR Budget | Morgan Kennedy | 1/1/2018 | 2/6/2018 | Low |
Sales Dept Budget Request Report | Violet Bailey | 10/28/2017 | 11/30/2017 | Low |
Support Dept Budget Report | Ken Samuelson | 11/10/2017 | 2/13/2018 | Low |
IT Dept Budget Request Report | Nat Maguiree | 1/16/2018 | 2/8/2018 | Medium |
Engineering Dept Budget Request Report | Bart Arnaz | 11/17/2017 | 3/9/2018 | Medium |
1Q Travel Spend Report | Leah Simpson | 3/15/2018 | 3/25/2018 | Medium |
Improve Our Content and Its Distribution | Arnie Schwartz | 4/29/2017 | 11/9/2017 | High |
Approve Benefits Upgrade Package | Billy Zimmer | 4/29/2017 | 8/19/2017 | Low |
Final Budget Review | Samantha Piper | 8/29/2017 | 11/9/2017 | High |
Update Old Content | Maggie Boxter | 2/2/2018 | 4/2/2018 | Medium |
State of Operations Report | Terry Bradley | 2/2/2018 | 3/19/2018 | Low |
Online Sales Report | Gabe Jones | 2/12/2018 | 2/17/2018 | Medium |
Reprint All Shipping Labels | Lucy Ball | 2/7/2018 | 2/20/2018 | High |
Shipping Label Artwork | Jim Packard | 3/2/2018 | 3/17/2018 | Medium |
Specs for New Shipping Label | Hannah Brookly | 2/5/2018 | 2/22/2018 | Low |
Move Packaging Materials to New Warehouse | Harv Mudd | 2/23/2018 | 3/23/2018 | Low |
Move Inventory to New Warehouse | Clark Morgan | 3/2/2018 | 3/5/2018 | High |
Take Forklift to Service Center | Todd Hoffman | 2/5/2018 | 3/28/2018 | Low |
Approve Rental of Forklift | Jackie Garmin | 3/15/2018 | 3/19/2018 | Low |
Give Final Approval to Rent Forklift | Lincoln Bartlett | 2/10/2018 | 3/16/2018 | Low |
Approve Overtime Pay | Brad Farkus | 3/9/2018 | 4/1/2018 | High |
Approve Vacation Request | Jenny Hobbs | 2/27/2018 | 3/17/2018 | Low |
Approve Salary Increase Request | Dallas Lou | 2/6/2018 | 3/10/2018 | High |
Review Complaint Reports | Stu Pizaro | 2/4/2018 | 3/6/2018 | Low |
Review Website Complaint Reports | John Heart | 3/12/2018 | 4/2/2018 | High |
Map and Analyze Marketing Channels | Samantha Bright | 7/5/2017 | 4/19/2018 | Low |
Fix Synchronization Issues | Arthur Miller | 7/5/2017 | 3/19/2018 | Medium |
Free Up Space for New Application Set | Robert Reagan | 8/29/2017 | 3/30/2018 | High |
Install New Router in Dev Room | Greta Sims | 1/25/2018 | 2/27/2018 | Low |
Update Your Profile on Website | Brett Wade | 10/1/2017 | 2/14/2018 | High |
Schedule Conference Call with Supermart | Sandra Johnson | 7/17/2017 | 12/30/2017 | Medium |
Support Team Evaluation Report | Ed Holmes | 3/8/2018 | 4/11/2018 | Medium |
Create New Installer | Barb Banks | 8/27/2017 | 10/15/2017 | Low |
Pick Up Packages from the Warehouse | Kevin Carter | 11/18/2017 | 4/6/2018 | Low |
Sumit Travel Expenses for Recent Trip | Cindy Stanwick | 12/21/2017 | 3/12/2018 | Low |
Make Travel Arrangements for Sales Trip To San Francisco | Sammy Hill | 8/14/2017 | 1/16/2018 | Medium |
Book Flights to San Fran for Sales Trip | Davey Jones | 9/5/2017 | 3/16/2018 | High |
Collect Customer Reviews for Website | Victor Norris | 7/11/2017 | 1/3/2018 | Low |
Submit New W4 for Updated Exemptions | Mary Stern | 7/17/2017 | 4/19/2018 | High |
Research and Improve Customer Satisfaction | Robin Cosworth | 10/27/2017 | 4/30/2018 | Medium |
Get New Frequent Flier Account | Kelly Rodriguez | 10/27/2017 | 2/6/2018 | Medium |
Review New Customer Follow-Up Plan | James Anderson | 11/18/2017 | 1/16/2018 | Medium |
Submit Customer Follow Up Plan Feedback | Antony Remmen | 11/30/2017 | 3/15/2018 | Low |
Review Issue Report and Provide Workarounds | Olivia Peyton | 1/29/2018 | 2/2/2018 | Low |
Contact Customers for Video Interviews | Taylor Riley | 11/21/2017 | 1/17/2018 | Low |
Resubmit Request for Expense Reimbursement | Amelia Harper | 1/5/2018 | 1/16/2018 | Low |
Approve Vacation Request Form | Wally Hobbs | 12/20/2017 | 1/17/2018 | Medium |
Email Test Report on New Products | Brad Jameson | 1/11/2018 | 4/10/2018 | Low |
Send Receipts for All Flights Last Month | Karen Goodson | 12/6/2017 | 12/10/2017 | Medium |
New Shipping Labels | Marcus Orbison | 11/26/2017 | 12/26/2017 | High |
PSD Needed for Shipping Labels | Sandy Bright | 1/7/2018 | 3/3/2018 | Medium |
Online Retail Purchasers | Morgan Kennedy | 2/24/2018 | 4/16/2018 | Medium |
Update NDA | Violet Bailey | 12/25/2017 | 1/27/2018 | Low |
Test New Automation App | Ken Samuelson | 11/4/2017 | 2/7/2018 | Medium |
Review Training Content | Nat Maguiree | 1/9/2018 | 4/22/2018 | Medium |
Classroom Size | Bart Arnaz | 11/23/2017 | 3/1/2018 | Low |
Specs for Automation App | Leah Simpson | 3/16/2018 | 4/30/2018 | Low |
Present an Action Plan for Next Quarter | Arnie Schwartz | 6/6/2017 | 5/11/2018 | High |
Business Cards | Billy Zimmer | 6/6/2017 | 5/11/2018 | Medium |
Achieve Record Revenues While Increasing Profitability | Samantha Piper | 10/21/2017 | 2/28/2018 | Low |
Update Address | Maggie Boxter | 10/21/2017 | 11/9/2017 | High |
Review Automation App | Terry Bradley | 1/29/2018 | 2/5/2018 | Medium |
Tradeshow Flight | Gabe Jones | 2/5/2018 | 2/24/2018 | Low |
Tradeshow Marketing Message | Lucy Ball | 11/15/2017 | 1/13/2018 | Low |
Per Diem | Jim Packard | 12/12/2017 | 2/3/2018 | Medium |
Health Insurance Notification | Hannah Brookly | 11/15/2017 | 2/6/2018 | Medium |
Lunch Potluck | Harv Mudd | 1/1/2018 | 2/28/2018 | Medium |
Hit Quarterly Revenue of Over $1000000 | Clark Morgan | 8/30/2017 | 1/7/2018 | Low |
Review Benefits | Todd Hoffman | 8/30/2017 | 10/16/2017 | Medium |
Training | Jackie Garmin | 10/21/2017 | 12/10/2017 | Low |
Submitted Reports | Lincoln Bartlett | 12/1/2017 | 1/7/2018 | High |
Start Sales in 2 New Countries | Brad Farkus | 9/26/2017 | 10/4/2017 | Low |
Review Articles | Jenny Hobbs | 9/26/2017 | 9/29/2017 | Medium |
NDA Revision | Dallas Lou | 9/28/2017 | 9/29/2017 | Low |
Budget Reports | Stu Pizaro | 9/30/2017 | 10/4/2017 | Low |
Sales Report by Territory | John Heart | 9/30/2017 | 10/2/2017 | High |
Leads Generated from Atlanta | Samantha Bright | 9/26/2017 | 9/28/2017 | Medium |
Materials Needed for On-Site Event | Arthur Miller | 9/26/2017 | 9/27/2017 | Medium |
Northwest Territory Customers | Robert Reagan | 9/29/2017 | 10/3/2017 | High |
Retail Sales Meeting | Greta Sims | 10/1/2017 | 10/4/2017 | Medium |
New Warehourse | Brett Wade | 9/28/2017 | 10/4/2017 | Low |
Increase Gross Profit Margin from 54% to 63% | Sandra Johnson | 7/14/2017 | 10/25/2017 | Low |
Purchase 2 New Remotes | Ed Holmes | 7/14/2017 | 7/25/2017 | High |
Walk Through with Shipping Companies | Barb Banks | 8/16/2017 | 9/29/2017 | High |
Missing Signatures | Kevin Carter | 7/27/2017 | 9/29/2017 | Low |
Review Training Manual - First Draft | Cindy Stanwick | 8/4/2017 | 10/9/2017 | Low |
Online Video Content | Sammy Hill | 10/12/2017 | 10/16/2017 | High |
Prepare Financial Document | Davey Jones | 7/23/2017 | 9/20/2017 | Low |
Prepare Marketing Plan | Victor Norris | 8/21/2017 | 10/16/2017 | Medium |
Update Personnel Files | Mary Stern | 7/20/2017 | 9/12/2017 | High |
Review Health Insurance Options | Robin Cosworth | 7/24/2017 | 8/10/2017 | Low |
Choose Between PPO and HMO Health Plan | Kelly Rodriguez | 9/2/2017 | 10/2/2017 | Low |
Google Adwords Strategy | James Anderson | 7/19/2017 | 9/9/2017 | Medium |
New Brochures | Antony Remmen | 8/13/2017 | 10/14/2017 | Low |
Brochure Designs | Olivia Peyton | 10/8/2017 | 10/25/2017 | Low |
Reach Monthly Recurring Revenue ($ MRR) Of $250000 | Taylor Riley | 11/13/2017 | 12/3/2017 | Low |
Brochure Design Review | Amelia Harper | 11/13/2017 | 11/20/2017 | High |
Website Re-Design Plan | Wally Hobbs | 11/15/2017 | 11/26/2017 | High |
Roll Out of New Website and Marketing Brochures | Brad Jameson | 11/21/2017 | 11/22/2017 | Low |
Update Sales Strategy Documents | Karen Goodson | 11/14/2017 | 11/29/2017 | Low |
Create Sales Report | Marcus Orbison | 11/21/2017 | 11/24/2017 | High |
Direct vs Online Sales Comparison Report | Sandy Bright | 11/16/2017 | 11/19/2017 | High |
Review Sales Report and Approve Plans | Morgan Kennedy | 11/16/2017 | 11/29/2017 | Low |
Deliver R&D Plans | Violet Bailey | 11/19/2017 | 11/29/2017 | High |
Create R&D Plans | Ken Samuelson | 11/14/2017 | 11/23/2017 | Low |
QA Strategy Report | Nat Maguiree | 11/14/2017 | 11/30/2017 | Low |
Training Events | Bart Arnaz | 11/18/2017 | 11/26/2017 | High |
Approve Hiring of John Jeffers | Leah Simpson | 11/17/2017 | 12/1/2017 | Low |
Non-Compete Agreements | Arnie Schwartz | 11/17/2017 | 12/3/2017 | High |
Increase Recurring Revenues | Billy Zimmer | 5/1/2017 | 2/20/2018 | High |
Update Employee Files with New NDA | Samantha Piper | 5/1/2017 | 11/14/2017 | Medium |
Sign Updated NDA | Maggie Boxter | 7/16/2017 | 11/27/2017 | Low |
Submit Questions Regarding New NDA | Terry Bradley | 8/1/2017 | 9/12/2017 | Medium |
Submit Signed NDA | Gabe Jones | 6/26/2017 | 10/28/2017 | Medium |
Update Revenue Projections | Lucy Ball | 5/28/2017 | 2/20/2018 | Low |
Achieve Trial to % Paid Ratio of Over 50% | Jim Packard | 9/10/2017 | 12/13/2017 | Low |
Review Revenue Projections | Hannah Brookly | 9/10/2017 | 11/8/2017 | High |
Comment on Revenue Projections | Harv Mudd | 10/2/2017 | 11/26/2017 | Low |
Provide New Health Insurance Docs | Clark Morgan | 11/8/2017 | 11/18/2017 | High |
Review Changes to Health Insurance Coverage | Todd Hoffman | 9/21/2017 | 10/16/2017 | Low |
Scan Health Insurance Forms | Jackie Garmin | 10/26/2017 | 11/23/2017 | Medium |
Sign Health Insurance Forms | Lincoln Bartlett | 10/30/2017 | 11/4/2017 | Low |
Follow Up with West Coast Stores | Brad Farkus | 10/8/2017 | 11/15/2017 | Medium |
Follow Up with East Coast Stores | Jenny Hobbs | 12/4/2017 | 12/5/2017 | Low |
Send Email to Customers About Recall | Dallas Lou | 10/13/2017 | 11/1/2017 | Low |
Submit Refund Report for 2017 Recall | Stu Pizaro | 10/4/2017 | 10/20/2017 | High |
Give Final Approval for Refunds | John Heart | 12/1/2017 | 12/13/2017 | Medium |
Implement New Product Planning Process | Samantha Bright | 1/17/2018 | 4/28/2018 | Low |
Prepare Product Recall Report | Arthur Miller | 1/17/2018 | 2/21/2018 | High |
Review Product Recall Report by Engineering Team | Robert Reagan | 2/19/2018 | 2/28/2018 | High |
Create Training Course for New TVs | Greta Sims | 2/27/2018 | 3/20/2018 | Low |
Review Training Course for Any Omissions | Brett Wade | 2/1/2018 | 2/10/2018 | Low |
Review Overtime Report | Sandra Johnson | 2/17/2018 | 3/28/2018 | Low |
Submit Overtime Request Forms | Ed Holmes | 2/11/2018 | 2/19/2018 | Medium |
Overtime Approval Guidelines | Barb Banks | 2/15/2018 | 4/27/2018 | Medium |
Refund Request Template | Kevin Carter | 1/25/2018 | 3/1/2018 | High |
Recall Rebate Form | Cindy Stanwick | 4/5/2018 | 4/9/2018 | High |
Create Report on Customer Feedback | Sammy Hill | 2/1/2018 | 4/23/2018 | High |
Review Customer Feedback Report | Davey Jones | 2/11/2018 | 4/28/2018 | Medium |
Redesign and Launch Our New Landing Page | Victor Norris | 2/6/2018 | 3/2/2018 | Medium |
Customer Feedback Report Analysis | Mary Stern | 2/6/2018 | 2/8/2018 | High |
Prepare Shipping Cost Analysis Report | Robin Cosworth | 2/14/2018 | 2/23/2018 | Medium |
Provide Feedback On Shippers | Kelly Rodriguez | 2/12/2018 | 3/2/2018 | High |
Select Preferred Shipper | James Anderson | 2/17/2018 | 2/23/2018 | Low |
Complete Shipper Selection Form | Antony Remmen | 2/8/2018 | 2/9/2018 | Medium |
Upgrade Server Hardware | Olivia Peyton | 2/13/2018 | 2/17/2018 | Low |
Upgrade Personal Computers | Taylor Riley | 2/27/2018 | 2/28/2018 | Low |
Approve Personal Computer Upgrade Plan | Amelia Harper | 2/22/2018 | 3/1/2018 | Medium |
Decide on Mobile Devices to Use in the Field | Wally Hobbs | 2/17/2018 | 2/28/2018 | Low |
Upgrade Apps to Windows RT or Stay With WinForms | Brad Jameson | 2/6/2018 | 2/10/2018 | High |
Estimate Time Required to Create Touch-Enabled Apps | Karen Goodson | 2/14/2018 | 2/17/2018 | Medium |
Design New Version of Our Site Structure, Navigation and All Pages | Sandy Bright | 5/24/2017 | 2/16/2018 | Low |
Try New Touch-Enabled WinForms Apps | Morgan Kennedy | 5/24/2017 | 1/3/2018 | Low |
Roll Out New Touch-Enabled WinForms Apps | Violet Bailey | 6/19/2017 | 11/22/2017 | Low |
Site Up-Time Report | Ken Samuelson | 12/17/2017 | 2/16/2018 | Low |
Review Site Uptime Report | Nat Maguiree | 6/19/2017 | 2/4/2018 | High |
Review Online Sales Report | Bart Arnaz | 5/30/2017 | 6/5/2017 | Low |
Determine New Online Marketing Strategy | Leah Simpson | 9/15/2017 | 2/16/2018 | Low |
Support Marketing and Sales with Design Deliverables | Arnie Schwartz | 10/14/2017 | 11/4/2017 | Low |
New Online Marketing Strategy | Billy Zimmer | 10/14/2017 | 10/16/2017 | Medium |
Approve New Online Marketing Strategy | Samantha Piper | 10/16/2017 | 11/1/2017 | High |
Submit New Website Design | Maggie Boxter | 10/15/2017 | 10/17/2017 | High |
Create Icons for Website | Terry Bradley | 10/17/2017 | 11/2/2017 | Medium |
Review PSDs for New Website | Gabe Jones | 10/15/2017 | 10/21/2017 | High |
Create New Shopping Cart | Lucy Ball | 10/21/2017 | 11/1/2017 | Low |
Create New Product Pages | Jim Packard | 10/18/2017 | 10/21/2017 | Low |
Review New Product Pages | Hannah Brookly | 10/15/2017 | 10/23/2017 | Low |
Approve Website Launch | Harv Mudd | 10/15/2017 | 10/16/2017 | Low |
Launch New Website | Clark Morgan | 10/21/2017 | 11/3/2017 | High |
Update Customer Shipping Profiles | Todd Hoffman | 10/15/2017 | 10/28/2017 | Low |
Create New Shipping Return Labels | Jackie Garmin | 10/26/2017 | 11/4/2017 | High |
Get Design for Shipping Return Labels | Lincoln Bartlett | 10/29/2017 | 10/30/2017 | Medium |
PSD Needed for Shipping Return Labels | Brad Farkus | 10/21/2017 | 10/22/2017 | Medium |
Request Bandwidth Increase from ISP | Jenny Hobbs | 10/25/2017 | 11/1/2017 | Low |
Submit D&B Number to ISP for Credit Approval | Dallas Lou | 10/22/2017 | 11/3/2017 | High |
Contact ISP and Discuss Payment Options | Stu Pizaro | 10/15/2017 | 10/27/2017 | Low |
Prepare Year-End Support Summary Report | John Heart | 10/14/2017 | 11/4/2017 | Low |
Promote Our Design Team as the Best Place to Work | Samantha Bright | 8/2/2017 | 2/4/2018 | Low |
Analyze Support Traffic | Arthur Miller | 8/2/2017 | 11/27/2017 | High |
Review New Training Material | Robert Reagan | 1/28/2018 | 1/31/2018 | High |
Distribute Training Material to Support Staff | Greta Sims | 8/31/2017 | 11/28/2017 | Low |
Training Material Distribution Schedule | Brett Wade | 8/12/2017 | 9/21/2017 | High |
Provide New Artwork to Support Team | Sandra Johnson | 11/12/2017 | 12/7/2017 | Medium |
Publish New Art on the Server | Ed Holmes | 10/19/2017 | 10/28/2017 | Medium |
Replace Old Artwork with New Artwork | Barb Banks | 9/9/2017 | 10/5/2017 | Low |
Ship New Brochures to Field | Kevin Carter | 10/15/2017 | 12/26/2017 | Medium |
Ship Brochures to Todd Hoffman | Cindy Stanwick | 8/8/2017 | 11/23/2017 | Low |
Update Server with Service Packs | Sammy Hill | 8/22/2017 | 11/3/2017 | Low |
Install New Database | Davey Jones | 9/16/2017 | 2/4/2018 | Medium |
Improve Annual Budgeting and Business Planning | Victor Norris | 2/2/2018 | 4/8/2018 | Medium |
Approve Overtime for HR | Mary Stern | 2/2/2018 | 3/3/2018 | Low |
Review New HDMI Specification | Robin Cosworth | 3/13/2018 | 3/18/2018 | Low |
Approval on Converting to New HDMI Specification | Kelly Rodriguez | 2/3/2018 | 4/1/2018 | Low |
Create New Spike for Automation Server | James Anderson | 2/22/2018 | 4/3/2018 | Medium |
Report on Retail Sales Strategy | Antony Remmen | 2/9/2018 | 4/4/2018 | Medium |
Code Review - New Automation Server | Olivia Peyton | 4/1/2018 | 4/8/2018 | Medium |
Receive Business Line Budget Proposals | Taylor Riley | 1/13/2018 | 4/7/2018 | Low |
Feedback on New Training Course | Amelia Harper | 1/13/2018 | 4/7/2018 | Low |
Finish Raising New Capital for Growth Needs | Wally Hobbs | 10/28/2017 | 4/24/2018 | Low |
Send Monthly Invoices from Shippers | Brad Jameson | 10/28/2017 | 2/8/2018 | High |
Schedule Meeting with Sales Team | Karen Goodson | 11/30/2017 | 4/23/2018 | Low |
Confirm Availability for Sales Meeting | Marcus Orbison | 11/11/2017 | 1/26/2018 | Low |
Reschedule Sales Team Meeting | Sandy Bright | 11/5/2017 | 12/10/2017 | Medium |
Send 2 Remotes for Giveaways | Morgan Kennedy | 12/22/2017 | 1/30/2018 | Low |
Ship 2 Remotes Priority to Clark Morgan | Violet Bailey | 12/4/2017 | 2/28/2018 | Low |
Discuss Product Giveaways with Management | Ken Samuelson | 1/4/2018 | 2/12/2018 | Medium |
Follow-Up Email to Recent Online Purchasers | Nat Maguiree | 11/7/2017 | 2/28/2018 | Low |
Replace Desktops on the 3rd Floor | Bart Arnaz | 2/21/2018 | 4/24/2018 | Medium |
Improve Internal Document Management | Leah Simpson | 10/31/2017 | 4/25/2018 | Low |
Update Database with New Leads | Arnie Schwartz | 10/31/2017 | 2/18/2018 | Medium |
Mail New Leads for Follow-Up | Billy Zimmer | 11/30/2017 | 2/17/2018 | Medium |
Send Territory Sales Breakdown | Samantha Piper | 2/19/2018 | 3/6/2018 | Low |
Territory Sales Breakdown Report | Maggie Boxter | 12/6/2017 | 2/9/2018 | Low |
Returned Merchandise Report | Terry Bradley | 11/18/2017 | 12/12/2017 | Low |
Report on the State of Engineering Dept | Gabe Jones | 1/17/2018 | 2/9/2018 | Medium |
Staff Productivity Report | Lucy Ball | 3/8/2018 | 3/17/2018 | Low |
Review Company-Wide HR Budget | Jim Packard | 1/12/2018 | 2/18/2018 | Low |
Sales Dept Budget Request Report | Hannah Brookly | 12/3/2017 | 12/11/2017 | Low |
Support Dept Budget Report | Harv Mudd | 4/1/2018 | 4/14/2018 | Low |
IT Dept Budget Request Report | Clark Morgan | 11/23/2017 | 1/29/2018 | Low |
Engineering Dept Budget Request Report | Todd Hoffman | 11/28/2017 | 2/25/2018 | Low |
1Q Travel Spend Report | Jackie Garmin | 2/8/2018 | 2/15/2018 | High |
Approve Benefits Upgrade Package | Lincoln Bartlett | 1/25/2018 | 4/25/2018 | Medium |
Choose and Launch New Document Sharing Platform | Brad Farkus | 4/22/2017 | 12/25/2017 | High |
Final Budget Review | Jenny Hobbs | 4/22/2017 | 5/15/2017 | Low |
State of Operations Report | Dallas Lou | 4/25/2017 | 7/15/2017 | Low |
Online Sales Report | Stu Pizaro | 6/25/2017 | 7/22/2017 | Low |
Reprint All Shipping Labels | John Heart | 7/25/2017 | 9/5/2017 | High |
Shipping Label Artwork | Samantha Bright | 9/8/2017 | 11/20/2017 | Medium |
Specs for New Shipping Label | Arthur Miller | 10/27/2017 | 11/18/2017 | Medium |
Move Packaging Materials to New Warehouse | Robert Reagan | 5/4/2017 | 5/16/2017 | Low |
Move Inventory to New Warehouse | Greta Sims | 10/16/2017 | 12/16/2017 | Low |
Take Forklift to Service Center | Brett Wade | 6/6/2017 | 10/8/2017 | Medium |
Approve Rental of Forklift | Sandra Johnson | 6/27/2017 | 11/6/2017 | Low |
Give Final Approval to Rent Forklift | Ed Holmes | 11/4/2017 | 11/21/2017 | High |
Approve Overtime Pay | Barb Banks | 7/11/2017 | 9/18/2017 | Low |
Approve Vacation Request | Kevin Carter | 10/8/2017 | 11/20/2017 | Medium |
Approve Salary Increase Request | Cindy Stanwick | 7/6/2017 | 10/13/2017 | Low |
Review Complaint Reports | Sammy Hill | 6/27/2017 | 8/3/2017 | High |
Review Website Complaint Reports | Davey Jones | 5/13/2017 | 9/2/2017 | Low |
Fix Synchronization Issues | Victor Norris | 4/29/2017 | 12/25/2017 | High |
Increase End-User Satisfaction Rating from 4.0 To 4.5 | Mary Stern | 5/11/2017 | 12/31/2017 | Low |
Free Up Space for New Application Set | Robin Cosworth | 5/11/2017 | 5/28/2017 | Low |
Install New Router in Dev Room | Kelly Rodriguez | 8/12/2017 | 10/25/2017 | Low |
Update Your Profile on Website | James Anderson | 11/17/2017 | 12/23/2017 | High |
Schedule Conference Call with Supermart | Antony Remmen | 6/27/2017 | 7/19/2017 | Medium |
Support Team Evaluation Report | Olivia Peyton | 6/9/2017 | 12/12/2017 | Low |
Create New Installer for Company-Wide App Deployment | Taylor Riley | 12/7/2017 | 12/23/2017 | Medium |
Pick Up Packages from the Warehouse | Amelia Harper | 9/22/2017 | 10/9/2017 | Medium |
Submit Travel Expenses for Recent Trip | Wally Hobbs | 6/4/2017 | 8/5/2017 | Low |
Make Travel Arrangements for Sales Trip to San Francisco | Brad Jameson | 12/25/2017 | 12/31/2017 | Medium |
Implement a Better System for Tracking Incoming Requests | Karen Goodson | 4/10/2017 | 10/16/2017 | Low |
Book Flights to San Fran for Sales Trip | Marcus Orbison | 4/10/2017 | 7/30/2017 | Medium |
Collect Customer Reviews for Website | Sandy Bright | 8/30/2017 | 9/26/2017 | Low |
Submit New W4 for Updated Exemptions | Morgan Kennedy | 5/30/2017 | 9/28/2017 | High |
Get New Frequent Flier Account | Violet Bailey | 5/11/2017 | 7/23/2017 | Medium |
Review New Customer Communication Plan | Ken Samuelson | 6/1/2017 | 7/3/2017 | Medium |
Prepare Customer Feedback Report | Nat Maguiree | 7/1/2017 | 9/15/2017 | Low |
Review Customer Bug Reports/Prep Workarounds | Bart Arnaz | 4/24/2017 | 7/14/2017 | Low |
Contact Customers for Video Interviews | Leah Simpson | 4/20/2017 | 8/17/2017 | Low |
Resubmit Request for Expense Reimbursement | Arnie Schwartz | 5/14/2017 | 10/16/2017 | Medium |
Collect More Accurate Sales Lead Data | Billy Zimmer | 1/5/2018 | 1/31/2018 | Low |
Approve Vacation Request Form | Samantha Piper | 1/5/2018 | 1/24/2018 | Low |
Email Test Report on New Products | Maggie Boxter | 1/24/2018 | 1/29/2018 | Medium |
Send Receipts for All Flights Last Month | Terry Bradley | 1/20/2018 | 1/22/2018 | High |
Create New Shipping Labels | Gabe Jones | 1/8/2018 | 1/31/2018 | Medium |
PSD Needed for Shipping Labels | Lucy Ball | 1/18/2018 | 1/26/2018 | Low |
Produce Report on Retail Purchase Patterns | Jim Packard | 1/19/2018 | 1/31/2018 | Low |
Train Sales Staff | Hannah Brookly | 10/9/2017 | 12/21/2017 | Low |
Update NDA | Harv Mudd | 10/9/2017 | 12/21/2017 | Medium |
Data grid with 399 rows and 6 columns
When you activate the AllowDragRows option, our Blazor TreeList component renders a drag handle for each data row. When a user starts a drag operation, the drag hint displays row information on screen. Use the DragHintTextTemplate to display a custom message within the drag hint.
The ItemsDropped event fires when users drop rows onto the Blazor TreeList (AllowedDropTarget). In the event handler, update the data source: insert rows at the drop position and remove them from the initial position, if required.
This demo allows you to reorder TreeList rows and change row hierarchy. Note the drop target indicator:
- A line between rows: inserts the row above the line.
- A frame around a row: inserts the row as a child.