
Name Type Mass, 1021 × kg Radius, km Volume, 109 × km3 Gravity, m/s2
Star 1,989,100,000.00 696,000.00 1,412,000,000.00 274.00
Data grid with 1 rows and 6 columns

The DevExpress Blazor TreeList allows you to export data to XLS, XLSX, and CSV files via the following data export methods:

All three file export methods accept the options parameter. This parameter allows you to customize the exported document as requirements dictate.

In this demo, export methods are called when a user clicks the Export to XLSX/XLS or Export to CSV button (when exporting to XLSX/XLS, the CustomizeCell option is used to italicize values stored in the Type column).

Note: Out Blazor TreeList exports data from all visible columns. To exclude a column from export operations, set the column's ExportEnabled property to false.