
Task Assigned To Start Date Due Date Priority Progress
Simplify & Clarify Product Messaging
John Heart 4/3/2018 4/14/2018 Low In progress
Create Action Plan to Improve Customer Engagement
Robert Reagan 8/8/2017 4/8/2018 Medium In progress
Increase Average Subscription Price
Wally Hobbs 8/9/2017 9/13/2017 Low In progress
Reduce Churn to Less than 1% Monthly
Arnie Schwartz 2/12/2018 5/1/2018 Low In progress
Finalize the Content Strategy
Stu Pizaro 3/10/2018 4/11/2018 High In progress
Grow Subscriber Base by 5% per Week
Sandra Johnson 7/24/2017 2/10/2018 Low In progress
Increase the CTR% to Above Industry Average 3.5%
Karen Goodson 7/11/2017 4/15/2018 Low In progress
Close the Final Budget
Hannah Brookly 6/5/2017 6/18/2017 Low In progress
Achieve Record Metrics in All Areas
Ed Holmes 4/24/2017 2/3/2018 Low In progress
Begin Content Review
Victor Norris 4/27/2017 2/25/2018 Medium In progress
Data grid with 37 rows and 6 columns

The DevExpress Blazor TreeList can split data into pages and display a built-in navigation control (a TreeList Pager). A vertical/horizontal scrollbar also appears if content height/width exceed component size.

Use the PagerNavigationMode property to specify navigation between pages. The following values are available:

  • InputBox — The pager displays an input box. Users can enter the desired page number.
  • NumericButtons — The pager displays numeric buttons.
  • Auto (default) — If the number of pages exceeds a predefined limit (PagerSwitchToInputBoxButtonCount) or the TreeList is displayed on a small device, the pager displays an input box. Otherwise, numeric buttons are displayed.

The TreeList also includes the following paging-related customization options:

  • PageSize — Specifies the maximum number of rows displayed on a page.
  • PageIndex — Specifies the current page index.
  • PagerPosition — Specifies pager position (at the top, at the bottom, or both).
  • PagerVisibleNumericButtonCount — Specifies the maximum number of numeric buttons displayed in the pager.
  • PagerAutoHideNavButtons — Specifies whether the pager's arrow navigation buttons are hidden when all numeric buttons are displayed.
  • PagerVisible — Specifies whether the TreeList displays the pager.

Our Blazor TreeList also allows users to change page size dynamically at runtime. To display the page size selector, enable the PageSizeSelectorVisible option. Use the PageSizeSelectorItems property to specify predefined page sizes (available in a drop-down list). You can also enable the PageSizeSelectorAllRowsItemVisible option to display all TreeList rows on one page (the All dropdown item).

In this demo, the TreeList component displays the page size selector, with an All item. The Pager position option allows you to modify pager position. You can use keyboard shortcuts to navigate between pages. Focus the pager area and press the Left Arrow/Right Arrow to go to the previous/next page. To open the first/last page, focus the pager area and press Home/End.