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Step Line

  • v
  • v
  • v

January 2023February 2023March 2023April 2023May 2023June 2023July 2023August 2023September 2023October 2023November 2023December 20231. Per LiterFuel Prices1.051.0951. Jan: 1.0501 Mar: 1.1001 Apr: 1.1501 May: 1.3001 Jul: 1.2301 Sep: 1.2001 Oct: 1.1801 Dec: 1.12
Series Settings
Label Settings

This demo shows the Step Line series view.

This view is useful when you need to show by how much values have changed for different points of the same series.

In this demo, you're able to change labels visibility, specify the type and size of series point markers and set the angle between labels and point markers.

Local Copy of this Demo
To inspect the source code for this demo on your machine, you must first install our components via the DevExpress Component Installer.
You can open a local copy of this online demo directly from this webpage (if using v20.2.8, 21.1.4 or higher).
Open CS Solution
Open VB Solution
The source code files for this demo are installed (by default) in the following directories:
\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\CS\XtraChartsDemos
\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\VB\XtraChartsDemos