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Gauges - Angles Customization

This demo illustrates how to change the geometry of the CircularGauge. The shape of the gauge arc is defined by the values assigned to the startAngle and endAngle properties of the geometry configuration object.

Backend API
<div class="long-title"><h3>Humidity in Rooms (%)</h3></div> <div id="gauge-demo"> @(Html.DevExtreme().CircularGauge() .ElementAttr("class", "gauge") .Scale(s => s .StartValue(0) .EndValue(100) .TickInterval(10) ) .Geometry(g => g .StartAngle(180) .EndAngle(90) ) .Value(80) ) @(Html.DevExtreme().CircularGauge() .ElementAttr("class", "gauge") .Scale(s => s .StartValue(100) .EndValue(0) .TickInterval(10) ) .Geometry(g => g .StartAngle(90) .EndAngle(0) ) .Value(75) ) @(Html.DevExtreme().CircularGauge() .ElementAttr("class", "gauge") .Scale(s => s .StartValue(100) .EndValue(0) .TickInterval(10) ) .Geometry(g => g .StartAngle(-90) .EndAngle(-180) ) .Value(70) ) @(Html.DevExtreme().CircularGauge() .ElementAttr("class", "gauge") .Scale(s => s .StartValue(0) .EndValue(100) .TickInterval(10) ) .Geometry(g => g .StartAngle(0) .EndAngle(-90) ) .Value(68) ) </div>
using DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Models.SampleData; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; namespace DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Controllers { public class GaugesController : Controller { public ActionResult AnglesCustomization() { return View(); } } }
#gauge-demo { height: 440px; width: 100%; } .gauge { width: 50%; height: 50%; float: left; } .long-title h3 { font-family: 'Segoe UI Light', 'Helvetica Neue Light', 'Segoe UI', 'Helvetica Neue', 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana; font-weight: 200; font-size: 28px; text-align: center; margin-bottom: 20px; }