
This ASP.NET Core Control library renders Bootstrap-powered markup so you can build modern adaptive web applications that work across multiple target platforms. Review the extensive control list, and evaluate full support for data annotation attributes, model binding, unobtrusive validation, and other powerful MVC features.
SEE DEMOS See Bootstrap AspNetCore Template on GitHub See Bootstrap AspNetCore Demo on Docker
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Quick Setup

Follow the four simple steps described below to start using the DevExpress Bootstrap controls in your ASP.NET Core web application.

Use NuGet to Download DevExpress Bootstrap Libraries for ASP.NET Core

Register the DevExpress NuGet Repository as a package source ({feed-authorization-key}/api) and install the DevExpress.AspNetCore.Bootstrap package to your project.

Obtain your personal feed-authorization-key from

Modify the Startup.cs file

To properly setup services utilized by DevExpress controls, call the services.AddDevExpressControls() extension method for the ConfigureServices method body.

Call the app.UseDevExpressControls() extension method from the Configure method body to register DevExpress middleware components for proper request processing.

Setup Razor Views

Add the @using DevExpress.AspNetCore directive to the _ViewImport.cshtml file to be able to access this namespace from Razor view.

After this, you can add references to DevExpress stylesheets and scripts to the Layout page by calling @Html.DevExpress().StyleSheets() and @Html.DevExpress().Scripts() methods.

Add Controls to a View

Now that your project is properly configured, you can start using DevExpress Bootstrap controls within your views. You can render any of the included controls on a view using the @Html.DevExpress() extension method.

What's included

From data entry forms to data shaping and visualization – a comprehensive control suite for your next business app.