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Data Filter Row

Product Name 
Category Name 
Quantity Per Unit 
Unit Price 
Reorder Level 
ChaiBeverages10 boxes x 20 bags$18.0010 
ChangBeverages24 - 12 oz bottles$19.0025 
Aniseed SyrupCondiments12 - 550 ml bottles$10.0025 
Chef Anton's Cajun SeasoningCondiments48 - 6 oz jars$22.000 
Chef Anton's Gumbo MixCondiments36 boxes$21.350 
Grandma's Boysenberry SpreadCondiments12 - 8 oz jars$25.0025 
Uncle Bob's Organic Dried PearsProduce12 - 1 lb pkgs.$30.0010 
Northwoods Cranberry SauceCondiments12 - 12 oz jars$40.000 
Mishi Kobe NikuMeat/Poultry18 - 500 g pkgs.$97.000 
IkuraSeafood12 - 200 ml jars$31.000 
Page 1 of 8 (77 items)Prev12345678Next
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Set the Settings.ShowFilterRow property to true to display the filter row. Users can enter text in the filter row's cells to filter data in the ASPxGridView.

When a user types text in the filter row's cell, the ASPxGridView creates a filter criteria based on the entered value and the column's comparison operator. Use a column's Settings.AutoFilterCondition property to specify the type of comparison operator for the column. The FilterExpression property specifies the applied filter.

The FilterRowMode combo box allows you to choose a filter mode:

  • In Auto mode, the control applies the filter when a user types text in the row.
  • In OnClick mode, the control applies the filter after a user clicks the Apply button in the command column.

Enable the Show Filter Row Menu check box to show filter row buttons. Click the button to invoke the filter row menu that displays a list of filter condition for a given search operation. Apply a filter conditions to restrict your search results.

See Also:
Local Copy of this Demo
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You can open a local copy of this online demo directly from this webpage (if using v20.2.8, 21.1.4 or higher).
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Open VB Solution
The source code files for this demo are installed (by default) in the following directories:
\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\CS\ASPxGridViewDemos
\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\VB\ASPxGridViewDemos
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