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Charts - Hover Mode

The Chart and PieChart components support different modes of series hovering. This demo shows the «includePoints» mode, when all the points of a hovered series change their display style. In addition, you can specify a custom hover mode for legend items. Here, the «excludePoints» mode is used, when only the series line changes its display style leaving the points as they were.

Backend API
@(Html.DevExtreme().Chart() .ID("chart") .CommonSeriesSettings(s => s .ArgumentField("State") .Type(SeriesType.Spline) .HoverMode(ChartSeriesHoverMode.IncludePoints) .Point(p => p.HoverMode(ChartPointInteractionMode.AllArgumentPoints)) ) .Series(s => { s.Add().ValueField("Year2004").Name("2004"); s.Add().ValueField("Year2001").Name("2001"); s.Add().ValueField("Year1998").Name("1998"); }) .StickyHovering(false) .Title(t => t.Text("Great Lakes Gross State Product")) .Export(e => e.Enabled(true)) .Legend(l => l .VerticalAlignment(VerticalEdge.Bottom) .HorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.Center) .HoverMode(ChartLegendHoverMode.ExcludePoints) ) .DataSource(new[] { new { State = "Illinois", Year1998 = 374, Year2001 = 427, Year2004 = 479 }, new { State = "Indiana", Year1998 = 129, Year2001 = 146, Year2004 = 177 }, new { State = "Michigan", Year1998 = 259, Year2001 = 286, Year2004 = 323 }, new { State = "Ohio", Year1998 = 299, Year2001 = 325, Year2004 = 368 }, new { State = "Wisconsin", Year1998 = 110, Year2001 = 132, Year2004 = 162 } }) )
using DevExtreme.AspNet.Data; using DevExtreme.AspNet.Mvc; using DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Models; using DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Models.SampleData; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Controllers { public class ChartsController : Controller { public ActionResult HoverMode() { return View(); } } }
#chart { height: 440px; }