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Diagram - Node and Edge Arrays

This demo shows the Diagram component's capability to load an external tree or a graph structure from two data sources: an array of shapes and an array of shape connectors. The connector is specified by the shape's ID attributes. The Diagram transforms information from the data sources into a tree layout view.

Backend API
@model DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Models.SampleData.FlowData @(Html.DevExtreme().Diagram() .ID("diagram") .Nodes(ns => ns .DataSource(d => d .Array() .Key("ID") .Data(Model.Nodes) ) .KeyExpr("ID") .TextExpr("Text") .TypeExpr("Type") .AutoLayout(al => al .Type(DiagramDataLayoutType.Layered) ) ) .Edges(ns => ns .DataSource(d => d .Array() .Key("ID") .Data(Model.Edges) ) .KeyExpr("ID") .FromExpr("FromID") .ToExpr("ToID") .TextExpr("Text") ) .Toolbox(t => t .Groups(g => g .Add().Category(DiagramShapeCategory.General).Title("General") ) ) )
using DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Models.SampleData; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; namespace DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Controllers { public class DiagramController : Controller { public IActionResult NodesAndEdgesArrays() { return View(new FlowData { Nodes = SampleData.FlowNodes, Edges = SampleData.FlowEdges }); } } }
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Models.SampleData { public class FlowData { public IEnumerable Nodes { get; set; } public IEnumerable Edges { get; set; } } public partial class SampleData { public static readonly IEnumerable<FlowNode> FlowNodes = new[] { new FlowNode() { ID = 107, Text = "A new ticket", Type = "terminator" }, new FlowNode() { ID = 108, Text = "Analyze the issue", Type = "process" }, new FlowNode() { ID = 118, Text = "Do we have all information to work with?", Type = "diamond" }, new FlowNode() { ID = 120, Text = "Answered", Type = "terminator" }, new FlowNode() { ID = 121, Text = "Request additional information or clarify the scenario", Type = "rectangle" }, new FlowNode() { ID = 125, Text = "Prepare an example in Code Central", Type = "rectangle" }, new FlowNode() { ID = 127, Text = "Update the documentation", Type = "rectangle" }, new FlowNode() { ID = 131, Text = "Process the ticket", Type = "rectangle" }, new FlowNode() { ID = 133, Text = "Work with the R&D team", Type = "rectangle" } }; public static readonly IEnumerable<FlowEdge> FlowEdges = new[] { new FlowEdge() { FromID = 107, ID = 116, ToID = 108 }, new FlowEdge() { FromID = 108, ID = 117, ToID = 118 }, new FlowEdge() { FromID = 118, ID = 122, Text = "No", ToID = 121 }, new FlowEdge() { FromID = 121, ID = 123, ToID = 108 }, new FlowEdge() { FromID = 131, ID = 124, ToID = 120 }, new FlowEdge() { FromID = 120, ID = 126, Text = "", ToID = 125 }, new FlowEdge() { FromID = 120, ID = 130, Text = "", ToID = 127 }, new FlowEdge() { FromID = 118, ID = 132, Text = "Yes", ToID = 131 }, new FlowEdge() { FromID = 131, ID = 134, Text = "Need developer assistance?", ToID = 133 }, new FlowEdge() { FromID = 133, ID = 135, ToID = 120 } }; } }
#diagram { height: 725px; }