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Range Selector - Chart on Background with Series Template

This demo demonstrates the ability of the RangeSelector to display the Chart component with series defined using a series template.

Backend API
@(Html.DevExtreme().RangeSelector() .ID("range-selector") .Margin(m => m.Top(50)) .Scale(s => s.Label(f => f.Format(Format.Decimal))) .Chart(c => c .CommonSeriesSettings(x => x .ArgumentField("Year") .ValueField("Oil") .Type(SeriesType.Spline) ) .SeriesTemplate(x => x .NameField("Country") .CustomizeSeries(@<text> function(valueFromNameField) { return valueFromNameField === "USA" ? { color: "red" } : {}; } </text>) ) ) .Title("Select a Year Period") .DataSource(Model) )
using DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Models.SampleData; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using System.Linq; namespace DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Controllers { public class RangeSelectorController : Controller { public ActionResult ChartOnBackgroundWithSeriesTemplate() { return View(SampleData.OilProductionData.Where(e => new[] { "USA", "Saudi Arabia", "Mexico" }.Contains(e.Country))); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; namespace DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Models { public class OilProduction { public int Year { get; set; } public string Country { get; set; } public double Oil { get; set; } } }
using System.Collections.Generic; namespace DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Models.SampleData { public partial class SampleData { public static readonly IEnumerable<OilProduction> OilProductionData = new[] { new OilProduction { Year = 1970, Country = "Saudi Arabia", Oil = 186.7 }, new OilProduction { Year = 1970, Country = "USA", Oil = 557.8 }, new OilProduction { Year = 1970, Country = "Iran", Oil = 207.3 }, new OilProduction { Year = 1970, Country = "Mexico", Oil = 24.7 }, new OilProduction { Year = 1980, Country = "Saudi Arabia", Oil = 480.4 }, new OilProduction { Year = 1980, Country = "USA", Oil = 423.2 }, new OilProduction { Year = 1980, Country = "Iran", Oil = 74.3 }, new OilProduction { Year = 1980, Country = "Mexico", Oil = 109.2 }, new OilProduction { Year = 1990, Country = "Saudi Arabia", Oil = 319.6 }, new OilProduction { Year = 1990, Country = "USA", Oil = 340.1 }, new OilProduction { Year = 1990, Country = "Iran", Oil = 183.3 }, new OilProduction { Year = 1990, Country = "Mexico", Oil = 145.3 }, new OilProduction { Year = 1990, Country = "Russia", Oil = 499.6 }, new OilProduction { Year = 2000, Country = "Saudi Arabia", Oil = 465 }, new OilProduction { Year = 2000, Country = "USA", Oil = 282.9 }, new OilProduction { Year = 2000, Country = "Iran", Oil = 195.5 }, new OilProduction { Year = 2000, Country = "Mexico", Oil = 148.3 }, new OilProduction { Year = 2000, Country = "Russia", Oil = 375.3 }, new OilProduction { Year = 2008, Country = "Saudi Arabia", Oil = 549.7 }, new OilProduction { Year = 2008, Country = "USA", Oil = 280 }, new OilProduction { Year = 2008, Country = "Iran", Oil = 214.9 }, new OilProduction { Year = 2008, Country = "Mexico", Oil = 132.1 }, new OilProduction { Year = 2008, Country = "Russia", Oil = 503.2 }, new OilProduction { Year = 2009, Country = "Saudi Arabia", Oil = 428.4 }, new OilProduction { Year = 2009, Country = "USA", Oil = 298.9 }, new OilProduction { Year = 2009, Country = "Iran", Oil = 217.2 }, new OilProduction { Year = 2009, Country = "Mexico", Oil = 121.6 }, new OilProduction { Year = 2009, Country = "Russia", Oil = 493.1 } }; } }
#range-selector { height: 310px; }