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Form - Overview

The Form component builds a data entry UI for an object assigned to the formData property. The component displays and aligns label-editor pairs for each field in the bound object.

Backend API

You can use the editors on the right to modify the following properties:

  • labelMode: "outside" | "static" | "floating" | "hidden"
    Specifies label display mode.

  • labelLocation: "top" | "left" | "right"
    Specifies whether to place outer labels above, to the left, or to the right of corresponding editors. The latter location is not demonstrated in this example.

  • colCount
    Specifies the number of columns in the layout. To build an adaptive layout where the column count depends on the container width, set this property's value to "auto".

  • minColWidth
    Specifies the minimum column width. Use this property when the colCount property's value is "auto".

  • width
    Specifies the Form component's width.

  • readOnly
    Makes the Form editors read-only.

  • showColonAfterLabel
    Specifies whether the Form displays a colon after a label.

To get started with the DevExtreme Form component, refer to the following tutorial for step-by-step instructions: Getting Started with Form.