The DevExpress ASP.NET MVC Rich Text Editor (RichEdit) provides the Find and Replace feature that allows your end-users to easily locate and modify text within the entire open document. The Find and Replace functionality is implemented by using two elements: the Search Panel and the 'Find and Replace' dialog.
The Search Panel allows end-users to search text and navigate through search results. To invoke the panel, use the 'Find' ribbon command or press the CTRL + F key combination.
The 'Find and Replace' dialog allows end-users to search text, navigate through search results and replace the found text in the results (one by one or all at once). To invoke the dialog, click the corresponding button in the Search Panel, or use the 'Replace' ribbon command, or press the CTRL + H key combination.
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\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\CS\MVCxRichEditDemos |