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Slide Show Settings
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The DevExpress ASP.NET Image Slider (ASPxImageSlider) has the built-in ability to display an image slide show. This feature allows you to easily create an ad rotator or a web banner. The SettingsSlideShow property provides access to the following properties related to slide show functionality.

  • AutoPlay – specifies whether or not the slide show is initially enabled.
  • Interval – specifies the time interval between image changes.
  • PausePlayingWhenMouseOver – specifies whether or not the image playing stops when a mouse hovers over the control.
  • PlayPauseButtonVisibility – specifies the Play/Pause button visibility.
  • StopPlayingWhenPaging – specifies whether or not the image playing stops when an end-user changes images manually.

In this demo, you can use the editors in the Slide Show Settings panel to play with the values of the properties above, so you can see them in action.

Local Copy of this Demo
To inspect the source code for this demo on your machine, you must first install our components via the DevExpress Component Installer.
You can open a local copy of this online demo directly from this webpage (if using v20.2.8, 21.1.4 or higher).
Open CS Solution
Open VB Solution
The source code files for this demo are installed (by default) in the following directories:
\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\CS\ASPxImageAndDataNavigationDemos
\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\VB\ASPxImageAndDataNavigationDemos