
Temperature (high) in September, °F
Above average highBelow average low505254565860626466Sep 246810121416182052°F62°F52°F61°F63°F64°F52°F

DevExpress Blazor Chart component allows you to display and configure axis strips. Use a strip to highlight a range between two axis values or an area above/below a value. Such highlighted areas allow users to quickly see whether a point falls in or out of a predefined range.

To create an axis strip, you must:

  1. Add a DxChartAxisStrip object to axis markup (DxChartArgumentAxis or DxChartValueAxis).

  2. Use StartValue and EndValue properties to specify the range. Use both properties to highlight an area between two values. Define only one property to highlight the area above or below a certain value.

  3. Specify the Color property to display the strip.

  4. Optional. Add a DxChartAxisStripLabel object to strip markup to configure strip label settings.

This demo displays two value axis strips: "Above average high" and "Below average low". The DxChartFont component customizes font settings used for strip labels.