
Search text:

The Blazor Search Box component can be used to introduce ad-hoc search capabilities in your next DevExpress-powered Blazor app.

Use the Text property to specify a search text string or to bind the component to a data source object. To respond to text changes, handle the TextChanged event. You can also use the @bind attribute (@bind-Text) to implement two-way binding as requirements dictate.

Our Blazor Search Box component supports different size modes. To specify the component size in code, use the SizeMode property. To apply different size modes in this demo, use the drop-down list in the demo card's header.

 Search Delay

The DevExpress Blazor Search Box component updates its associated Text property after a user modifies search text. Use the BindValueMode property to specify when updates should occur. The following modes are available to you:

  • OnLostFocus (default) — The editor’s value is updated after the editor loses focus.
  • OnInput — The editor’s value is updated whenever a user enters text.
  • OnDelayedInput — The editor’s value is updated (with a delay) once a user modifies values.

 Search with Submit Button

In this demo, our Blazor Search Box component is used alongside a Submit button to simulate a common search/filtering-related UI metaphor.

 Toolbar Integration

You can incorporate the DevExpress Blazor Search Box component within the Blazor Toolbar component.

 Clear Button and Placeholder

Search text:

Set the ClearButtonDisplayMode property to Auto to display the Clear button within the Search Box when not empty.

Use the NullText property to display placeholder text in the Search Box when empty.