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Charts - Discrete Axis Zooming and Panning

Discrete data support is one of many strengths of the Chart component. In this example, you can zoom data in the Chart using another DevExtreme JavaScript UI component, the RangeSelector.

Backend API
<div id="chart-demo"> @{ var dataSource = new object[] { new { arg = "Inner Core", Si = 7.35, Fe = 79.39, Ni = 5.2, S = 2.3, O = 4.1 }, new { arg = "Outer Core", Si = 7.33, Fe = 78.56, Ni = 5.2, S = 2.7, O = 4.2 }, new { arg = "Lower Mantle", Si = 21.5, Fe = 5.8, O = 44.8, Mg = 22.8, Al = 2.2, Ca = 2.3, Na = 0.3, K = 0.03 }, new { arg = "Upper Mantle", Si = 28.1, Mg = 23.2, Fe = 4.3, Al = 1.2, Ca = 2.2, O = 40.3, Na = 0.2 }, new { arg = "Lower Crust", O = 46.6, Si = 27.7, Al = 8.1, Fe = 5, Ca = 3.6, Na = 2.8, K = 2.6, Mg = 1.5 }, new { arg = "Upper Crust", O = 47, Si = 29.5, Al = 8.05, Fe = 4.66, Ca = 2.96, Na = 2.5, K = 2.5, Mg = 1.87 } }; } @(Html.DevExtreme().Chart() .ID("zoomedChart") .Palette(VizPalette.Soft) .Title("The Chemical Composition of the Earth Layers") .ValueAxis(a => a .Add() .Label(l => l .CustomizeText(@<text> function() { return this.valueText + "%"; } </text>))) .DataSource(dataSource) .Series(s => { s.Add().Name("Si").ValueField("Si"); s.Add().Name("Fe").ValueField("Fe"); s.Add().Name("Ni").ValueField("Ni"); s.Add().Name("S").ValueField("S"); s.Add().Name("O").ValueField("O"); s.Add().Name("Mg").ValueField("Mg"); s.Add().Name("Al").ValueField("Al"); s.Add().Name("K").ValueField("K"); s.Add().Name("Na").ValueField("Na"); }) .CommonSeriesSettings(s => s .Type(SeriesType.Bar) .IgnoreEmptyPoints(true) ) .Legend(l => l .Border(b => b.Visible(true)) .Visible(true) .VerticalAlignment(VerticalEdge.Top) .HorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.Right) .Orientation(Orientation.Horizontal) ) ) @(Html.DevExtreme().RangeSelector() .Size(s => s.Height(120)) .Margin(m => m.Left(10)) .Scale(s => s.MinorTickCount(1)) .DataSource(dataSource) .Chart(c => c .Palette(VizPalette.Soft) .CommonSeriesSettings(s => s .Type(SeriesType.Bar) .IgnoreEmptyPoints(true) ) .Series(s => { s.Add().Name("Si").ValueField("Si"); s.Add().Name("Fe").ValueField("Fe"); s.Add().Name("Ni").ValueField("Ni"); s.Add().Name("S").ValueField("S"); s.Add().Name("O").ValueField("O"); s.Add().Name("Mg").ValueField("Mg"); s.Add().Name("Al").ValueField("Al"); s.Add().Name("K").ValueField("K"); s.Add().Name("Na").ValueField("Na"); })) .Behavior(b => b.ValueChangeMode(SliderValueChangeMode.OnHandleMove)) .OnValueChanged(@<text> function (e) { $("#zoomedChart").dxChart("instance").getArgumentAxis().visualRange(e.value); } </text>) ) </div>
using DevExtreme.AspNet.Data; using DevExtreme.AspNet.Mvc; using DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models.SampleData; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text.Json; using System.Web.Mvc; namespace DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Controllers { public class ChartsController : Controller { public ActionResult DiscreteAxisZoomingAndScrolling() { return View(); } } }
#zoomedChart { margin-bottom: 20px; }