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Tag Box - Tag Count Limitation

You can use the maxDisplayedTags property to limit the number of displayed tags. When the specified limit is exceeded, the tags are combined into a single multi-tag that displays the number of selected items. Use the showMultiTagOnly property to specify whether to display a multi-tag only or other tags as well. You can also use onMultiTagPreparing event handler to customize the multi-tag, as shown in the second example.

Backend API
@model IEnumerable<DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models.ElectronicsItem> <div class="dx-fieldset"> <div class="dx-field"> <div class="dx-field-label"> Multi-tag for several items </div> <div class="dx-field-value"> @(Html.DevExtreme().TagBox() .DataSource(Model) .Value(new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }) .DisplayExpr("Name") .InputAttr("aria-label", "Product") .ValueExpr("ID") .ShowSelectionControls(true) .MaxDisplayedTags(3) ) </div> </div> <div class="dx-field"> <div class="dx-field-label"> Multi-tag for all items </div> <div class="dx-field-value"> @(Html.DevExtreme().TagBox() .DataSource(Model.Take(5)) .Value(new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }) .DisplayExpr("Name") .InputAttr("aria-label", "Product") .ValueExpr("ID") .ShowSelectionControls(true) .MaxDisplayedTags(3) .OnMultiTagPreparing("OnMultiTagPreparing") ) </div> </div> <div class="dx-field"> <div class="dx-field-label"> Multi-tag with ordinary tags </div> <div class="dx-field-value"> @(Html.DevExtreme().TagBox() .DataSource(Model) .Value(new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }) .DisplayExpr("Name") .ValueExpr("ID") .InputAttr("aria-label", "Product") .ShowSelectionControls(true) .MaxDisplayedTags(2) .ShowMultiTagOnly(false) ) </div> </div> </div> <script> function OnMultiTagPreparing(args) { var selectedItemsLength = args.selectedItems.length, totalCount = 5; if (selectedItemsLength < totalCount) { args.cancel = true; } else { args.text = "All selected (" + selectedItemsLength + ")"; } } </script>
using DevExtreme.AspNet.Data; using DevExtreme.AspNet.Mvc; using DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models.SampleData; using DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.ViewModels; using System.Linq; using System.Text.Json; using System.Web.Mvc; namespace DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Controllers { public class TagBoxController : Controller { public ActionResult TagCountLimitation() { return View(SampleData.Electronics); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models.SampleData { public partial class SampleData { public static readonly IEnumerable<ElectronicsItem> Electronics = new[] { new ElectronicsItem { ID = 1, Name = "HD Video Player", Price = 330, CurrentInventory = 225, Backorder = 0, Manufacturing = 10, Category = "Video Players", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/1-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/video-player.svg" }, new ElectronicsItem { ID = 2, Name = "SuperHD Player", Price = 400, CurrentInventory = 150, Backorder = 0, Manufacturing = 25, Category = "Video Players", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/2-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/video-player.svg" }, new ElectronicsItem { ID = 3, Name = "SuperPlasma 50", Price = 2400, CurrentInventory = 0, Backorder = 0, Manufacturing = 0, Category = "Televisions", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/3-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/tv.svg" }, new ElectronicsItem { ID = 4, Name = "SuperLED 50", Price = 1600, CurrentInventory = 77, Backorder = 0, Manufacturing = 55, Category = "Televisions", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/4-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/tv.svg" }, new ElectronicsItem { ID = 5, Name = "SuperLED 42", Price = 1450, CurrentInventory = 445, Backorder = 0, Manufacturing = 0, Category = "Televisions", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/5-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/tv.svg" }, new ElectronicsItem { ID = 6, Name = "SuperLED 55", Price = 1350, CurrentInventory = 345, Backorder = 0, Manufacturing = 5, Category = "Televisions", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/6-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/tv.svg" }, new ElectronicsItem { ID = 7, Name = "SuperLCD 42", Price = 1200, CurrentInventory = 210, Backorder = 0, Manufacturing = 20, Category = "Televisions", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/7-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/tv.svg" }, new ElectronicsItem { ID = 8, Name = "SuperPlasma 65", Price = 3500, CurrentInventory = 0, Backorder = 0, Manufacturing = 0, Category = "Televisions", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/8-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/tv.svg" }, new ElectronicsItem { ID = 9, Name = "SuperLCD 70", Price = 4000, CurrentInventory = 95, Backorder = 0, Manufacturing = 5, Category = "Televisions", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/9-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/tv.svg" }, new ElectronicsItem { ID = 10, Name = "DesktopLED 21", Price = 175, CurrentInventory = 0, Backorder = 425, Manufacturing = 75, Category = "Monitors", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/10-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/tv.svg" }, new ElectronicsItem { ID = 11, Name = "DesktopLED 19", Price = 165, CurrentInventory = 425, Backorder = 0, Manufacturing = 110, Category = "Monitors", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/11-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/tv.svg" }, new ElectronicsItem { ID = 12, Name = "DesktopLCD 21", Price = 170, CurrentInventory = 210, Backorder = 0, Manufacturing = 60, Category = "Monitors", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/12-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/tv.svg" }, new ElectronicsItem { ID = 13, Name = "DesktopLCD 19", Price = 160, CurrentInventory = 150, Backorder = 0, Manufacturing = 210, Category = "Monitors", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/13-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/tv.svg" }, new ElectronicsItem { ID = 14, Name = "Projector Plus", Price = 550, CurrentInventory = 0, Backorder = 55, Manufacturing = 10, Category = "Monitors", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/14-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/video-player.svg" }, new ElectronicsItem { ID = 15, Name = "Projector PlusHD", Price = 750, CurrentInventory = 110, Backorder = 0, Manufacturing = 90, Category = "Projectors", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/15-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/video-player.svg" }, new ElectronicsItem { ID = 16, Name = "Projector PlusHT", Price = 1050, CurrentInventory = 0, Backorder = 75, Manufacturing = 57, Category = "Projectors", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/16-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/video-player.svg" }, new ElectronicsItem { ID = 17, Name = "ExcelRemote IR", Price = 150, CurrentInventory = 650, Backorder = 0, Manufacturing = 190, Category = "Automation", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/17-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/video-player.svg" }, new ElectronicsItem { ID = 18, Name = "ExcelRemote BT", Price = 180, CurrentInventory = 310, Backorder = 0, Manufacturing = 0, Category = "Automation", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/18-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/video-player.svg" }, new ElectronicsItem { ID = 19, Name = "ExcelRemote IP", Price = 200, CurrentInventory = 0, Backorder = 325, Manufacturing = 225, Category = "Automation", ImageSrc = "../../Content/images/products/19-small.png", IconSrc = "../../Content/images/icons/video-player.svg" } }; } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; namespace DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models { public class ElectronicsItem { public int ID { get; set; } public string Category { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } public int CurrentInventory { get; set; } public int Backorder { get; set; } public int Manufacturing { get; set; } public int Price { get; set; } public string ImageSrc { get; set; } public string IconSrc { get; set; } } }
.dx-field { margin-bottom: 50px; }