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Our next major release (v24.2) will include a Chat component, a must-have UI element for apps that require real-time communication support.

This feature is under active development
We are collecting feedback/business requirements to help us deliver an implementation that addresses the widest possible usage scenarios. If you feel this feature is valuable or important to your app, please take a moment to take a survey to share your feedback. 
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Mvc Chat preview

Here’s a sneak peek at what you can expect from our Chat component: 

  • Human-to-Human Interaction
    Enable user conversations with a chat interface for one-on-one or multi-account communication. Ideal for customer support, social networking, and/or internal collaboration.

  • AI and Chatbot Integration
    Enhance your app’s user experience with AI services and chatbots. Automate responses, deliver immediate support services, and boost engagement with intelligent interactions.

  • Accessibility and Keyboard Navigation
    Our commitment to accessibility ensures that the Chat component will be fully navigable via keyboard, making it intuitive/usable for everyone.