File Management Extensions for ASP.NET MVC

File Management Extensions for ASP.NET MVC
The DevExpress ASP.NET File Manager (FileManager) is an Explorer-like file management component. Once integrated in an MVC project, our MVC File Manager allows you and your end-users to manage files and folders. End-users can select/upload files and change folder structure (by renaming, moving, copying and deleting files/folders). File and folder management capabilities are fully customizable and can be deactivated when necessary.
Data Binding

Data Binding
The DevExpress ASP.NET MVC File Manager (FileManagerExtension) allows retrieving its content from a database. With the File Manager extension, you can visualize a database's file system data.
Virtual Scrolling

Virtual Scrolling
Virtual scrolling allows loading files and folders in the file area on demand. In this mode, the file manager loads items automatically when the end-user scrolls the content. Unnecessary files are unloaded.
Subfolder Searching

Subfolder Searching
DevExpress ASP.NET MVC File Manager (FileManagerExtension) allows searching for files in the selected folder and all its subfolders.
File Manager - Templates

File Manager - Templates
The DevExpress ASP.NET MVC File Manager supports template technology allowing you to customize item appearance and layout. This demo illustrates how to display additional information about files in the thumbnails view mode.
Upload Control - Drag and Drop Functionality

Upload Control - Drag and Drop Functionality
The DevExpress ASP.NET MVC UploadControl extension provides end-users with drag and drop capability. In this demo, end-users can add files to the UploadControl by dragging them over the control area, or to an external drop zone.