Image and Data Browsing Extensions for ASP.NET MVC

Image and Data Browsing Extensions for ASP.NET MVC
The DevExpress Image and Data Navigation Extensions Suite is a collection of multi-purpose image and data browsing tools designed to address a variety of business usage scenarios.
Image Slider - Slide Show

Image Slider - Slide Show
The touch-enabled Image Slider allows end-users to display and navigate images. ImageSlider provides built-in slide show functionality. This demo illustrates the main settings of the slide show.
Templates (Video Gallery)

Templates (Video Gallery)
Templates allow you to customize an extension's appearance and layout completely. The look of the ImageSlider extension's default elements can be modified by creating a specific template that defines how a client browser renders an element.
Image Gallery - Folder Binding

Image Gallery - Folder Binding
The Image Gallery extension allows you to display images from a source folder. In this demo, end-users can switch between different source folders at runtime using a combo box.
Image Zoom - Binding to Binary Data

Image Zoom - Binding to Binary Data
This demo illustrates Image Zoom control capability to display images from a binary stream.
Image Zoom Navigator

Image Zoom Navigator
The ImageZoomNavigator extension is a data extension that displays a set of thumbnails. Clicking a thumbnail opens a corresponding image within an associated ImageZoom extension.
Data View - Endless Paging

Data View - Endless Paging
The Endless Paging mode in the DataView allows rows to load on demand based on user actions. In this demo, more items are loaded on demand when the end-user clicks the "Show more items..." link.