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XY-Diagram Custom Paint

  • v
  • v
  • v

The Random Points Generator chart showing RangomSeries series.
X= 1.98  Y= 6.55 
X= 2.71  Y=10.32 
X= 2.99  Y=10.81 
X= 3.00  Y= 8.15 
X= 3.07  Y=10.21 
X= 3.14  Y=11.46 
X= 3.34  Y= 7.75 
X= 3.42  Y= 9.06 
X= 3.81  Y= 8.72 
X= 3.82  Y=10.41 
X= 3.92  Y=10.87 
X= 4.00  Y= 9.36 
X= 4.13  Y= 9.48 
X= 4.18  Y= 9.88 
X= 4.24  Y= 8.51 
X= 4.25  Y=12.84 
X= 4.45  Y= 8.63 
X= 4.48  Y=10.43 
X= 4.48  Y= 5.74 
X= 4.52  Y= 8.72 
Clustering Settings
Label Settings
Create Points
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The following example demonstrates how to implement custom painting on an XY-Diagram. For this, the ChartControl.CustomPaint event and XYDiagram.DiagramToPoint method should be used.

In this demo, you see three clusters of points, and can select any of them. Also, you can turn the "Auto Mode" option off and manually select a region on a chart - in this case the custom cluster bounds will be painted on a diagram.

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\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\CS\XtraChartsDemos
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