
The Data Grid was moved to maintenance support mode. No new features/capabilities will be added to this component. We recommend that you migrate to the Grid component.

First Name
Last Name
Hire Date
Nancy Davolio Sales Representative 5/1/2005
Andrew Fuller Vice President, Sales 8/14/1992
Janet Leverling Sales Representative 4/1/2002
Margaret Peacock Sales Representative 5/3/1993
Steven Buchanan Sales Manager 10/17/1993
Michael Suyama Sales Representative 10/17/1999
Robert King Sales Representative 1/2/1994
Laura Callahan Inside Sales Coordinator 3/5/2004
Anne Dodsworth Sales Representative 11/15/2004

The Column Chooser is a separate window that allows users to show, hide, and reorder Data Grid columns at runtime. The Column Chooser window displays a list of all data column headers (both visible and hidden). Use the Column Chooser window to:

  • Change column visibility. To show or hide a column, use the checkbox next to the column header.
  • Reorder columns. To change column position within the grid, use the drag icon next to the column header to drag and drop it to a new position.

To display the Column Chooser in the Data Grid's toolbar, follow the steps below:

  1. Add HeaderTemplate to the Data Grid's markup.
  2. Add the DxDataGridColumnChooserToolbarItem item to the Toolbar component in this template. Note that DxDataGridColumnChooserToolbarItem buttons are only used for toolbars defined in the Data Grid component.

In this demo, the Birth Date, Image File Name, and Notes columns are hidden. Use the Column Chooser to display these columns and reorder visible columns.

 Hide a Column from the Column Chooser

The Data Grid was moved to maintenance support mode. No new features/capabilities will be added to this component. We recommend that you migrate to the Grid component.

Product Name
Unit Price
Units In Stock
Quantity Per Unit
Chai Beverages $18.00 39 10 boxes x 20 bags
Chang Beverages $19.00 17 24 - 12 oz bottles
Aniseed Syrup Condiments $10.00 13 12 - 550 ml bottles
Chef Anton's Cajun Seasoning Condiments $22.00 53 48 - 6 oz jars
Chef Anton's Gumbo Mix Condiments $21.00 0 36 boxes
Grandma's Boysenberry Spread Condiments $25.00 120 12 - 8 oz jars
Uncle Bob's Organic Dried Pears Produce $30.00 15 12 - 1 lb pkgs.
Northwoods Cranberry Sauce Condiments $40.00 6 12 - 12 oz jars
Mishi Kobe Niku Meat/Poultry $97.00 29 18 - 500 g pkgs.
Ikura Seafood $31.00 31 12 - 200 ml jars
of 8

The Column Chooser window displays headers of all data columns (visible and hidden). Note that command and selection columns are not shown in the Column Chooser. Use the ShowInColumnChooser property to change a default behavior and specify whether a column should be displayed in the Column Chooser window.

In this demo, the Column Chooser does not display the Product Name data column (its ShowInColumnChooser property is set to false).