Total Summary

The Data Grid was moved to maintenance support mode. No new features/capabilities will be added to this component. We recommend that you migrate to the Grid component.

Customer Name
Unit Price
Vins et alcools Chevalier Reims France $14.00 12
Vins et alcools Chevalier Reims France $10.00 10
Vins et alcools Chevalier Reims France $35.00 5
Toms Spezialitäten Münster Germany $19.00 9
Toms Spezialitäten Münster Germany $42.00 40
Hanari Carnes Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil $8.00 10
Hanari Carnes Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil $42.00 35
Hanari Carnes Rio de Janeiro RJ Brazil $17.00 15
Victuailles en stock Lyon France $17.00 6
Victuailles en stock Lyon France $16.00 15
Count: 2155
Min: 1
Avg: 23.81
Max: 130
of 216

Our Blazor Data Grid can compute summaries (using aggregate functions such as Sum, Min, Max, etc) for both the entire contents of the grid and at each individual group level. “Total” summaries are calculated across all grid records and displayed within the grid's footer. To create total summaries, add DxDataGridSummaryItem objects to the TotalSummary collection.

Key DxDataGridSummaryItem properties are summarized below.

  • SummaryType — Specifies the aggregate function (Sum, Min, Max, Avg, and Count) used.
  • Field — Specifies the name of the data field whose values are used to calculate the summary. The Min and Max functions require a numeric or date-time data field. The Avg and Sum functions work with numeric fields only. For the Count function, you do not need to set this property.
  • ShowInColumn — Specifies the name of the column used to display the summary.
  • DisplayFormat — Specifies summary display format. The ‘{0}' placeholder returns the summary value and ‘{1}' returns the parent column's caption. If you do not specify this property, the following format is applied: ‘{Summary function}: {summary value}'.

 Group Summary

The Data Grid was moved to maintenance support mode. No new features/capabilities will be added to this component. We recommend that you migrate to the Grid component.

Customer Name
Unit Price
Country: Argentina (Count is 34, Avg of Quantity is 9.97)
Country: Austria (Count is 125, Avg of Quantity is 41.34)
Country: Belgium (Count is 56, Avg of Quantity is 24.86)
Country: Brazil (Count is 203, Avg of Quantity is 20.92)
Country: Canada (Count is 75, Avg of Quantity is 26.45)
Country: Denmark (Count is 46, Avg of Quantity is 25.43)
Country: Finland (Count is 54, Avg of Quantity is 16.39)
Country: France (Count is 184, Avg of Quantity is 17.68)
Country: Germany (Count is 328, Avg of Quantity is 28.09)
Country: Ireland (Count is 55, Avg of Quantity is 30.62)

Group summaries (using aggregate functions such as Sum, Min, Max, Avg, and Count) are calculated across all rows within a group and displayed in the group row or group footer. To create group summaries, add DxDataGridSummaryItem objects to the GroupSummary collection.

Use the GroupSummaryPosition property to position group summaries. The following values are available: