
Nancy Davolio Andrew Fuller
14 Fri
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Scheduler that displays resources Nancy Davolio, Andrew Fuller for the time period March 14, 2025. 6 appointments available.

The DevExpress Scheduler for Blazor is a full-featured scheduling solution that easily displays a detailed snapshot of events/appointments in your web application across a single day, a week, or a month.

The Scheduler component ships with the following built-in features:

View Types
The Scheduler can contain the following views: Day View, Week View, Work Week View, Month View, and Timeline View. When you define multiple views, the Scheduler displays a view selector that allows users to switch between views. Use the ActiveViewType property to specify the active view. If the property is not specified, the Scheduler initially shows the first defined view.

Drag & Drop Support
The Scheduler allows users to drag and drop appointments across the view.

Data Binding
To bind the Scheduler component to a data source, create and configure a DxSchedulerDataStorage object and link it to the Scheduler component.

Appointment Editing
The component implements two appointment edit forms: a compact edit form and a pop-up (extended) edit form that allows users to edit appointments.

The following properties allow you to prevent users from creating, updating, and deleting appointments: AllowCreateAppointment, AllowEditAppointment, and AllowDeleteAppointment.

Recurring Appointments
The Scheduler allows you to create, modify, and delete appointments that repeat on a schedule. You can manage recurring appointments in code or use a pop-up (extended) edit form.

You can use templates to customize the content and appearance of time cells, date headers, and resource headers in the Scheduler.

Keyboard Support
The Scheduler supports keyboard shortcuts that allow users to navigate through toolbar items and appointments, and execute built-in commands.