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Incremental Filtering

IncrementalFilteringMode = Contains
DropDownStyle = DropDownList
IncrementalFilteringMode = StartsWith
DropDownStyle = DropDown
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The DevExpress ASP.NET Autocomplete Combo Box (ASPxComboBox) editor enables end-users to filter list items dynamically based on the text typed into the editor's input box on the client side (“find-as-you-type” filtering). The following filter modes are available, which are controlled by the IncrementalFilteringMode property:

  • Contains - The editor is filtered for list items that contain the search string. The search string matches are highlighted.
  • StartsWith - The editor is filtered for list items that begin with the search string. The editor value is autocompleted with the first corresponding value.
  • None - Filtering is not applied to list items.

The DropDownStyle property specifies the manner in which end-users can change the edit value of the editor.

  • DropDown - End-users are allowed to change the editor's edit value by either selecting an item from the dropdown list or entering new values into the edit box.
  • DropDownList - End-users are allowed to change the editor's edit value only by selecting an item from the dropdown list.

In this demo, both the 'Contains' and 'StartsWith' filter modes are demonstrated. Note that in the 'Contains' filter mode, the value typed in the edit box by an end-user is searched for within the editor's item list, based on the defined format of the TextFormatString property.

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The source code files for this demo are installed (by default) in the following directories:
\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\CS\ASPxEditorsDemos
\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\VB\ASPxEditorsDemos
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