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Large Database (Server Mode)

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The ASPxComboBox control supports the database Server mode when the editor is bound to the built-in EntityServerModeDataSource or LinqServerModeDataSource data providing components. These data sources automatically create requests to a data table and load only required data to the server memory.

In Server mode, the combo box can bind to large datasets which should not be loaded to the server memory on each request (like in case of other data sources).

To enable the database server mode, bind a combo box to a EntityServerModeDataSource or LinqServerModeDataSource data providing component and set the EnableCallbackMode property to true. The CallBackPageSize property allows you to control the number of records loaded on the client on each request. In this case, the control sends a callback to the server when a user scrolls or filters the editor.

Note that the server-mode data sources (LinqServerModeDataSource or EntityServerModeDataSource) generate SQL requests automatically. Refer to the Custom Data Binding demo that illustrates how to implement a custom data loading logic.

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Multi-Use Site Controls