TreeView-Grid Hybrid Control for ASP.NET MVC

TreeView-Grid Hybrid Control for ASP.NET MVC
The DevExpress ASP.NET Tree List (TreeList) allows you to display business data as a hierarchical Tree, a Grid, or a combination of both - in either bound or unbound mode (with full data editing support).
Virtual Mode

Virtual Mode
The TreeList combines the power of the grid view with the hierarchical structure of the tree view. Like the GridView, the TreeList supports binding to data, editing data, sorting, and more. This demo showcases the Virtual Mode feature of TreeList, in which child nodes are generated on demand when a parent node is expanded.
Search Panel

Search Panel
The DevExpress ASP.NET MVC Tree List (TreeListExtension) allows end-users to filter data and highlight search results by typing filter criteria in the panel's editor.
Inline Editing

Inline Editing
The TreeList allows your end-users to edit data without the developer having to create edit forms. This demo illustrates the inline editing mode.
Multiple Node Selection

Multiple Node Selection
The Multiple Node Selection feature displays check boxes that allow end-users to select multiple nodes in the TreeList. This demo illustrates how you can allow a user to select all nodes, child nodes only, parent nodes only, or nodes above a particular level in the hierarchy.
Data Summary via Built-in Functions

Data Summary via Built-in Functions
The DevExpress ASP.NET MVC Tree List (TreeListExtension) enables you to calculate summary values for all values within a column or within a group of nodes, and display the result inside footer cells.
Conditional Formatting

Conditional Formatting
The TreeList allows you to highlight specific elements if certain conditions are met. In this demo, TreeList changes the appearance of individual data cells based on their content.