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Resizing Columns

CollapseCorporate Headquarters$1,000,000.00Monterey(408) 555-1234(408) 555-1234
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   Field Office: Canada$500,000.00Toronto(416) 677-1000(416) 555-1234
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 CollapseEngineering$1,100,000.00Monterey(408) 555-1234(408) 555-1234
  CollapseConsumer Electronics Div.$1,150,000.00Burlington, VT(802) 555-1234(802) 555-1234
    Software Development$40,000.00Monterey(408) 555-1234(408) 555-1234
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    Research and Development$460,000.00Burlington, VT(802) 555-1234(802) 555-1234
    Customer Services$850,000.00Burlington, VT(802) 555-1234(802) 555-1234
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The DevExpress ASP.NET MVC TreeList extension provides complete control over column availability and individual column size. End-users can easily modify column width by resizing the appropriate column header. To resize the column, hover the right border of the column you wish to resize (so that it displays a double-sided arrow), and drag the column border.

You can access all settings related to column resizing using the SettingsResizing property. The SettingsResizing.ColumnResizeMode property specifies how the TreeList behaves when an end-user resizes a column. Use the Column resizing mode combo box to see how different property values affect resizing behavior.

The SettingsResizing.Visualization property defines how the column resizing process is visually indicated. Two modes are available.

  • In the Live mode, columns are redrawn dynamically during resizing.
  • In the Postponed mode, columns are redrawn only after the operation has been completed.
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\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\CS\MVCxTreeListDemos