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Remote Virtual Scrolling

With remote virtual scrolling, pages are loaded from the server when they enter the viewport. To enable this feature, set the scrolling.mode property to "virtual" and the remoteOperations property to true. The latter informs the DataGrid that the server handles paging.

In this demo, the server contains 1,000,000 records and returns 100 records per page. The page size is set using the paging.pageSize property. The larger it is, the fewer requests are sent to the server. To reduce the time required for rendering the loaded rows, set the scrolling.rowRenderingMode to "virtual" — the DataGrid renders only rows that are in the viewport.


The data source in this demo is configured to return only 1000 records per request.

Backend API
@(Html.DevExtreme().DataGrid<DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Models.DataService.Sale>() .DataSource(d => d.RemoteController() .LoadUrl("") .Key("Id") ) .RemoteOperations(true) .Scrolling(s => s .Mode(GridScrollingMode.Virtual) .RowRenderingMode(GridRowRenderingMode.Virtual) ) .Paging(p => p.PageSize(100)) .HeaderFilter(hf => { hf.Visible(true); hf.Search(hfs => hfs.Enabled(true)); }) .WordWrapEnabled(true) .Height(440) .ShowBorders(true) .Columns(columns => { columns.AddFor(m => m.Id) .Width(90); columns.AddFor(m => m.StoreName) .Width(150); columns.AddFor(m => m.ProductCategoryName) .Width(120); columns.AddFor(m => m.ProductName); columns.AddFor(m => m.DateKey) .Format("yyyy-MM-dd") .Width(110); columns.AddFor(m => m.SalesAmount) .Format("currency") .HeaderFilter(h => h.GroupInterval(1000)) .Width(100); }) )
using DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Models; using DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Models.DataGrid; using DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Models.SampleData; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using System.Linq; namespace DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Controllers { public class DataGridController : Controller { public ActionResult RemoteVirtualScrolling() { return View(); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; namespace DevExtreme.NETCore.Demos.Models.DataService { public partial class Sale { [Key] public int Id { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Category")] public string ProductCategoryName { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Subcategory")] public string ProductSubcategoryName { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Product")] public string ProductName { get; set; } public decimal UnitPrice { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Quantity")] public int SalesQuantity { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Amount")] public decimal SalesAmount { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Date")] public DateTime DateKey { get; set; } [Display(Name = "Store")] public string StoreName { get; set; } } }