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This demo illustrates how web gadgets are implemented using docking components provided by the DevExpress ASP.NET Docking (ASPxDocking) Suite.

The ASPxDocking Suite offers three components - ASPxDockPanel, ASPxDockZone, and ASPxDockManager. They allow you to manage content placeholders (dock panels), which can be moved by end-users between specific areas (dock zones) of a web page. A dock panel can either be docked to a dock zone or made to float. Dock zones can be placed at any part of a page, and their orientation and size are fully customizable. Dock manager allows you to provide centralized programmatic control over all dock panels and dock zones within a page.

Local Copy of this Demo
To inspect the source code for this demo on your machine, you must first install our components via the DevExpress Component Installer.
You can open a local copy of this online demo directly from this webpage (if using v20.2.8, 21.1.4 or higher).
Open CS Solution
Open VB Solution
The source code files for this demo are installed (by default) in the following directories:
\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\CS\ASPxDockAndPopupsDemos
\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\VB\ASPxDockAndPopupsDemos