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CollapseDeveloper Express - RayNew Holiday SkinHi Everyone We are getting ready to release a new WinForms skin just in time for the holiday season. I've posted a screenshot here 2007/12/10/it-s-beginning-to-look-a-lot-like-xmas.aspx10:42 PM
  Andrew FullerRe: New Holiday SkinHi Ray You guys have done a top job with this skin. Yes I really like the stars on the Titlebar and the snowy mountains in the Grid's Group Header. Are there any other similar themed skins in pipeline?12:50 AM
 CollapseSteven BuchananRe: New Holiday SkinVery nice! Any chance for a Mac-like skin, something similar to the new Demo Center L&F?12:58 AM
   Nancy DavolioRe: New Holiday SkinYeah, a MAC skin would be tops on my priority/request list for sure! That would blow the socks off of those MAC users! :) Speaking of skins, I don't know if this is already the case but, it would be nice if the Skin Editor was a stand-alone FREE download/application that doesn't require anything to do with DXp. What I'm getting at here is publish the "schema" of a skin and let's get the Skin Editor in the hands of the artistic types and see what they can come up with for skins. Just like we have Expression Blend to enroll the artists into the developer realm, let's have a Skin "Blend" so that we can try to promote the creation of skins for the community. Just a thought…1:00 AM
 CollapseJanet LeverlingRe: New Holiday Skin It is very nice. Will you post here once it's finished, or will there be some other notification of download availability? Thanks. 9:35 PM
  CollapseMax V. Evseev (Developer Express)Re: New Holiday SkinHi Janet, It'll be included in the next minor update (7.3.5), which we're preparing for release. Thanks3:42 PM
    Thomas HardyRe: New Holiday SkinI wouldn't mind seeing this as a stand-alone offering for those of us who aren't using the newest version of the DX library.6:18 PM
    Janet LeverlingRe: New Holiday SkinNever mind that 7.3.5 nonsense, its in the VCL 31 release. Get out the trumpets, VCL gets it first! :) Thankin You7:24 PM
   ExpandNancy DavolioRe: New Holiday SkinWould be nice to consolidate all available skins to be honest. You have that pink/green 2007 one, bonus, office, christmas, etc. :) Can we get this all in one assembly please? We can choose which to use, but having them centrally stored and referenced sure would be nice.11:13 PM
    Laura CallahanRe: New Holiday SkinMax, Could I use this skin in a 7.2.4 application (since I haven't got time to migrate the app before Christmas)? 12:11 AM
 CollapseAnne DodsworthRe: New Holiday Skin3 cheers to the xmas-skin artist. My app looks realy great with that skin. Thanks for the great work . Btw. do you know that easter is only 3 month away ??10:48 PM
   Margaret PeacockRe: New Holiday SkinThe skin looks great, the only problem is I cannot import it into the "Skin Editor". I get the following error: Can't import skin (Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "SkinInfo.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "DevExpress.XmasSkins" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.). Not a big deal. I just wanted to look at the MDIContainer they did.2:30 PM
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The DevExpress ASP.NET Tree List (ASPxTreeList) enables you to group the most important or frequently used grid commands, and expose them through customizable toolbars for efficient end-user access.

The ASPxTreeList stores toolbars (which are TreeListToolbar class instances) in its Toolbars collection. You can add or remove toolbars, change their availability and position (Visible, Enabled, Position), and populate them with toolbar items (TreeListToolbarItem class instances) using the Items property. Toolbar items can trigger standard grid commands (that is, data item editing, deletion, creation, etc.) and any custom actions, if required.

  • Standard Toolbar Items
    To make a toolbar item execute a standard command, set the item's Command property to the desired command name listed by the TreeListToolbarCommand enumeration. A standard toolbar item automatically displays the command-related text and image (optional). Clicking a standard toolbar item executes the corresponding grid command.
  • Custom Toolbar Items
    If you need to perform a custom action, set a toolbar item's Command property to the Custom value (the default setting), specify a custom command name through the item's Name property and define item characteristics (such as text, image, etc.). Then handle the server ToolbarItemClick event or client ToolbarItemClick event (or both) to identify the triggered custom command by its name and execute the required action.

Note that toolbar items expose the Items property allowing you to create hierarchies of nested toolbar items of unlimited depth.

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To inspect the source code for this demo on your machine, you must first install our components via the DevExpress Component Installer.
You can open a local copy of this online demo directly from this webpage (if using v20.2.8, 21.1.4 or higher).
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The source code files for this demo are installed (by default) in the following directories:
\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\CS\ASPxTreeListDemos
\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\VB\ASPxTreeListDemos
The skin looks great, the only problem is I cannot import it into the "Skin Editor". I get the following error: Can't import skin (Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture. Make sure "SkinInfo.resources" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "DevExpress.XmasSkins" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadable and fully signed.). Not a big deal. I just wanted to look at the MDIContainer they did.