The DevExpress ASP.NET Tree List (ASPxTreeList) control allows you to edit and update multiple tree list nodes on the client side and send them to the server in a single request.
To enable the batch editing functionality, set the TreeListSettingsEditing.Mode property to 'Batch'. In this mode, tree list data contained in a page can be edited using in-line editors. The modified cells are colored in green. Deleted nodes are highlighted with gray and display the Recover command item. All changes are maintained on the client side until the Update command button is clicked, or all changes are canceled by clicking the Cancel command button.
If a tree list contains modified data, it displays a confirm message before a tree list callback or postback is performed.
You can customize the batch edit mode settings by using the following properties.
- The EditMode property allows you to specify which control element (data cell or node) is used to edit data.
- The StartEditAction property specifies the action that will be used to begin editing tree list data.
In this demo, use the Edit mode combo box to specify the control element used to edit data. The Start edit action combo box allows you to specify the action that should be used to begin editing tree list data.
Note: When inserting a child node of a parent node that already exists in a data source, it uses the parent node's key field name. The newly inserted child node hasn't a key field until it is saved by clicking the Update button in Batch edit mode. Use the SetBatchEditInsertedNodeKeyValue method to set the key value for a newly inserted node that is to be a parent for child nodes.