Gantt Control for ASP.NET MVC

Gantt Control for ASP.NET MVC
The DevExpress ASP.NET Gantt (Gantt) is a full-featured, drop-in project management component. Once integrated into your MVC project, our Gantt extension allows you and your end users to organize and manage tasks via an intuitive/easy-to-use interface. DevExpress Gantt for ASP.NET MVC uses a Microsoft Project-style UI to edit/scale tasks, track project progress, and mark important deadlines within a project timeline.

Dependency and parent-child relationship validation rules allow you to check changes to tasks before they are saved to a database.
Task Template

Task Template
ASP.NET Gantt templates help customize the layout and appearance of individual task elements. Templates allow you to mix HTML code with any DevExpress ASP.NET control - and position desired elements within the container.
Strip Lines

Strip Lines
Strip lines allow you to highlight different times in the Gantt control: the current time, specific times, or time intervals.