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Endless Paging

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Vins et alcools ChevalierReims51100France32.38007/4/20187/16/2018
Toms SpezialitätenMünster44087Germany11.61007/5/20187/10/2018
Hanari CarnesRio de Janeiro05454-876Brazil65.83007/8/20187/12/2018
Victuailles en stockLyon69004France41.34007/8/20187/15/2018
Suprêmes délicesCharleroiB-6000Belgium51.30007/9/20187/11/2018
Hanari CarnesRio de Janeiro05454-876Brazil58.17007/10/20187/16/2018
Chop-suey ChineseBern3012Switzerland22.98007/11/20187/23/2018
Richter SupermarktGenève1204Switzerland148.33007/12/20187/15/2018
Wellington ImportadoraResende08737-363Brazil13.97007/15/20187/17/2018
HILARION-AbastosSan Cristóbal5022Venezuela81.91007/16/20187/22/2018
Ernst HandelGraz8010Austria140.51007/17/20187/23/2018
Centro comercial MoctezumaMéxico D.F.05022Mexico3.25007/18/20187/25/2018
Ottilies KäseladenKöln50739Germany55.09007/19/20187/29/2018
Que DelíciaRio de Janeiro02389-673Brazil3.05007/19/20187/30/2018
Rattlesnake Canyon GroceryAlbuquerque87110USA48.29007/22/20187/25/2018
Ernst HandelGraz8010Austria146.06007/23/20187/31/2018
Folk och fä HBBräckeS-844 67Sweden3.67007/24/20188/23/2018
Blondel père et filsStrasbourg67000France55.28007/25/20188/12/2018
Wartian HerkkuOulu90110Finland25.73007/26/20187/31/2018
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The DevExpress ASP.NET Grid View (ASPxGridView) supports endless paging mode, which allows grid rows to load on demand. To enable this functionality, set the SettingsPager.Mode property to EndlessPaging. In this mode, the grid loads more rows automatically when the end-user scrolls down to the bottom of the control.

The loading panel is displayed while grid rows load.

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You can open a local copy of this online demo directly from this webpage (if using v20.2.8, 21.1.4 or higher).
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Open VB Solution
The source code files for this demo are installed (by default) in the following directories:
\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\CS\ASPxGridViewDemos
\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\VB\ASPxGridViewDemos
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