The DevExpress ASP.NET MVC GridView implements a powerful data filtering mechanism that allows users to filter date and numeric values. Set a column's AllowHeaderFilter property to true to enable a header filter for the column.
Date Columns
A date column's header filter can display a date range picker or calendar and a list of predefined date periods. Use the column's SettingsHeaderFilter.Mode property to specify the date editor that is displayed in the dropdown.
- DateRangePicker - the header filter displays a date range picker. Use the DateRangePickerSettings property to customize the editors' settings.
- DateRangeCalendar - the header filter displays a calendar. Use the DateRangeCalendarSettings property to customize the calendar settings.
Numeric Columns
The GridView extension can display a numeric range picker for numeric columns. Set a column's SettingsHeaderFilter.Mode property to NumericRangePicker to display numeric range editors (two spin edits and a track bar).
- Use the NumericRangeSpinEditSettings property to customize the spin edit settings.
- Use the NumericRangeTrackBarSettings property to customize the track bar settings.
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\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\CS\MVCxGridViewDemos |