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10248VINETBuchanan7/4/20188/1/20187/16/201832.3800Vins et alcools ChevalierReims 51100France
10249TOMSPSuyama7/5/20188/16/20187/10/201811.6100Toms SpezialitätenMünster 44087Germany
10250HANARPeacock7/8/20188/5/20187/12/201865.8300Hanari CarnesRio de JaneiroRJ05454-876Brazil
10251VICTELeverling7/8/20188/5/20187/15/201841.3400Victuailles en stockLyon 69004France
10252SUPRDPeacock7/9/20188/6/20187/11/201851.3000Suprêmes délicesCharleroi B-6000Belgium
10253HANARLeverling7/10/20187/24/20187/16/201858.1700Hanari CarnesRio de JaneiroRJ05454-876Brazil
10254CHOPSBuchanan7/11/20188/8/20187/23/201822.9800Chop-suey ChineseBern 3012Switzerland
10255RICSUDodsworth7/12/20188/9/20187/15/2018148.3300Richter SupermarktGenève 1204Switzerland
10256WELLILeverling7/15/20188/12/20187/17/201813.9700Wellington ImportadoraResendeSP08737-363Brazil
10257HILAAPeacock7/16/20188/13/20187/22/201881.9100HILARION-AbastosSan CristóbalTáchira5022Venezuela
10258ERNSHDavolio7/17/20188/14/20187/23/2018140.5100Ernst HandelGraz 8010Austria
10259CENTCPeacock7/18/20188/15/20187/25/20183.2500Centro comercial MoctezumaMéxico D.F. 05022Mexico
10260OTTIKPeacock7/19/20188/16/20187/29/201855.0900Ottilies KäseladenKöln 50739Germany
10261QUEDEPeacock7/19/20188/16/20187/30/20183.0500Que DelíciaRio de JaneiroRJ02389-673Brazil
10262RATTCCallahan7/22/20188/19/20187/25/201848.2900Rattlesnake Canyon GroceryAlbuquerqueNM87110USA
10263ERNSHDodsworth7/23/20188/20/20187/31/2018146.0600Ernst HandelGraz 8010Austria
10264FOLKOSuyama7/24/20188/21/20188/23/20183.6700Folk och fä HBBräcke S-844 67Sweden
10265BLONPFuller7/25/20188/22/20188/12/201855.2800Blondel père et filsStrasbourg 67000France
10266WARTHLeverling7/26/20189/6/20187/31/201825.7300Wartian HerkkuOulu 90110Finland
10267FRANKPeacock7/29/20188/26/20188/6/2018208.5800FrankenversandMünchen 80805Germany
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The ASP.NET MVC Grid View offers both vertical and horizontal scrolling. By default, the grid's height is determined by the number of rows displayed within a page and is controlled by the SettingsPager.PageSize property. To reduce the grid's height, you can display a vertical scrollbar by using the Settings.VerticalScrollBarMode property, and specify the height of the scrollable area (in pixels) via the Settings.VerticalScrollableHeight property.

The grid's width is dependent upon the number of visible columns by default. If there are too many columns within the grid, you can enable horizontal scrolling via the Settings.HorizontalScrollBarMode property and define the desired scrollable area width by using the grid's Width property.

See Also:
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The source code files for this demo are installed (by default) in the following directory:
\Users\Public\Documents\DevExpress Demos XX.X\Components\ASP.NET\CS\MVCxGridViewDemos