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Card View

Our upcoming major release (v25.1) will introduce a CardView component, allowing you to display business data using a 'card' UI metaphor — a visually engaging alternative to traditional grid views.

This feature is under active development
We are collecting feedback/business requirements to help us deliver an implementation that addresses the widest possible usage scenarios. If you feel this feature is valuable or important to your app, please take a moment to take a survey to share your feedback. 
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Mvc Card View preview

The DevExtreme CardView will ship with the following built-in data management capabilities:

  • Sorting
  • Paging
  • Column reordering
  • Column visibility control
  • Editing
  • Filtering
  • Searching
  • Data selection

Each card within the CardView will be fully customizable, with UI elements such as toolbars, covers, and footers (allowing you to adapt layouts as requirements dictate).

CardView card layouts will be fully responsive, will support multiple screen sizes, and will ship with two layout options:

  • Automatic Layout: The CardView will determine the optimal number of cards per row and associated size. When resized, the CardView will dynamically modify its layout, recalculating the number of cards per row and their dimensions.

  • Fixed Number of Cards per Row: You will be able to specify the exact number of cards displayed within a layout. When resized, card sizes will change but the number of cards per row will remain the same.