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Toolbar - Overview

The Toolbar contains items that manage the page content. In this demo, the Toolbar manages the List.

Backend API

Configure Toolbar Items

You can display Toolbar items from an items array or a dataSource. A Toolbar item may be plain text or a UI component. You should specify the text or the widget property depending on the item. If the item is a UI component, declare its options.

Specify Item Location

You can set the dataSource with location fields or specify the location property for each item. The location value can be one of the following:

  • "center"
    Places the item in the center of the toolbar.

  • "before"
    Places the item before the central element(s).

  • "after"
    Places the item after the central element(s).

Additionally, the Toolbar can render its items in the overflow menu. Specify the locateInMenu property for each item with one of the following values:

  • "always"
    Always places the item in the overflow menu.

  • "never"
    Places the item outside of the overflow menu.

  • "auto"
    Places the item outside of the overflow menu. If all items cannot fit within the width of the Toolbar, it renders this item in the overflow menu.

Note that you cannot specify the order of the items with locateinMenu="auto" placed in the overflow menu.

Customize Item Appearance

You can define the itemTemplate to customize item appearance. To customize the items in the overflow menu, use the menuItemTemplate.