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Charts - Stock

A stock series type displays variations in stock prices over the course of a day. You can specify the stock series type for each object in the series or specify the type in the commonSeriesSettings object for all series in the Chart. Use the commonSeriesSettings.stock object to configure properties of the Chart stock series.

In stock series, the bottom and top values of a vertical line correspond to high and low prices. Use the highValueField and lowValueField properties to specify data source fields for high and low prices.

Backend API
@(Html.DevExtreme().Chart() .ID("chart") .Title("Stock Price") .CommonSeriesSettings(s => s .ArgumentField("Date") .Type(SeriesType.Stock) ) .Series(s => s .Add() .Name("E-Mart") .OpenValueField("O") .HighValueField("H") .LowValueField("L") .CloseValueField("C") .Reduction(r => r.Color("red")) ) .ValueAxis(a => a .Add() .TickInterval(1) .Title(t => t.Text("US dollars")) .Label(l => l.Format(f => f .Type(Format.Currency) .Precision(0) )) ) .ArgumentAxis(a => a .WorkdaysOnly(true) .Label(l => l.Format(Format.ShortDate)) ) .Export(e => e.Enabled(true)) .Tooltip(t => t .Enabled(true) .Location(ChartTooltipLocation.Edge) .CustomizeTooltip(@<text> function (arg) { return { text: "Open: $" + arg.openValue + "<br />" + "Close: $" + arg.closeValue + "<br />" + "High: $" + arg.highValue + "<br />" + "Low: $" + arg.lowValue + "<br />" }; } </text>) ) .DataSource(Model) )
using DevExtreme.AspNet.Data; using DevExtreme.AspNet.Mvc; using DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models.SampleData; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web.Mvc; namespace DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Controllers { public class ChartsController : Controller { public ActionResult Stock() { return View(SampleData.FinancialData); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace DevExtreme.MVC.Demos.Models.SampleData { public partial class SampleData { public static readonly IEnumerable<object> FinancialData = new[]{ new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 1), L = 24.00, H = 25.00, O = 25.00, C = 24.875 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 2), L = 23.625, H = 25.125, O = 24.00, C = 24.875 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 3), L = 26.25, H = 28.25, O = 26.75, C = 27.00 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 4), L = 26.50, H = 27.875, O = 26.875, C = 27.25 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 7), L = 26.375, H = 27.50, O = 27.375, C = 26.75 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 8), L = 25.75, H = 26.875, O = 26.75, C = 26.00 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 9), L = 25.75, H = 26.75, O = 26.125, C = 26.25 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 10), L = 25.75, H = 26.375, O = 26.375, C = 25.875 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 11), L = 24.875, H = 26.125, O = 26.00, C = 25.375 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 14), L = 25.125, H = 26.00, O = 25.625, C = 25.75 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 15), L = 25.875, H = 26.625, O = 26.125, C = 26.375 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 16), L = 26.25, H = 27.375, O = 26.25, C = 27.25 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 17), L = 26.875, H = 27.25, O = 27.125, C = 26.875 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 18), L = 26.375, H = 27.125, O = 27.00, C = 27.125 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 21), L = 26.75, H = 27.875, O = 26.875, C = 27.75 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 22), L = 26.75, H = 28.375, O = 27.50, C = 27.00 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 23), L = 26.875, H = 28.125, O = 27.00, C = 28.00 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 24), L = 26.25, H = 27.875, O = 27.75, C = 27.625 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 25), L = 27.50, H = 28.75, O = 27.75, C = 28.00 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 28), L = 25.75, H = 28.25, O = 28.00, C = 27.25 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 29), L = 26.375, H = 27.50, O = 27.50, C = 26.875 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 30), L = 25.75, H = 27.50, O = 26.375, C = 26.25 }, new { Date = new DateTime(1994, 3, 31), L = 24.75, H = 27.00, O = 26.50, C = 25.25 } }; } }
#chart { height: 440px; }

Open and close prices are displayed as left and right tick marks. To specify these prices, use the openValueField and closeValueField properties.

To reflect changes on the market, the Chart component compares the price of every point with the price of the previous point. The Chart paints the points whose price has decreased in a specific reduction color. To switch between high, low, open or close prices of points as sources for data comparison, use the series.reduction.level property.

Additionally, use the tooltip.contentTemplate property to declare a custom tooltip that shows prices. You can also enable the argumentAxis.workdaysOnly property to display only the work days on the argument axis.