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DevExtreme DataGrid and TreeList ship with built-in paging support. We expect to release Pagination as a separate component to simplify data navigation/improve browsing. This component will allow users to navigate extensive datasets by dividing them into individual pages.

Pagination in "full" and "compact" modes:

This feature is under active development
We are collecting feedback/business requirements to help us deliver an implementation that addresses the widest possible usage scenarios. If you feel this feature is valuable or important to your app, please take a moment to take a survey to share your feedback. 
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Mvc Pagination preview
Mvc Pagination preview

Primary features will include:

  • Page Navigator
    Built-in controls allow users move between pages. Navigation buttons can be displayed or hidden.

  • Page Size Selector
    Set the number of records per page and configure page size selection elements (display/hide the page size selector and customize page size).

  • Page Information
    Display current page number and total record count. Custom text can be set for page information.

  • Responsive Design
    Pagination will support full, compact, and adaptive display modes. In compact mode, Pagination will change the appearance of the page navigator and page selector to use screen space more efficiently. In adaptive mode, Pagination will automatically switch between full and compact based on content width.

  • Right-to-Left Support
    Suitable for applications requiring internationalization.

  • Accessibility and Keyboard Navigation
    Pagination will be fully accessible with keyboard navigation support.