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Check Box

When you add the CheckBox component to an application, specify its value property to set its state. The CheckBox can have one of the following states:

  • Checked (value is true).
  • Unchecked (value is false).
  • Indeterminate (value is null or undefined).
Backend API

The component supports the three state mode. In this demo, the enableThreeStateBehavior property of the "Three state mode" CheckBox is enabled. You can cycle through the states of this CheckBox in the following order:

Indeterminate → Checked → Unchecked → Indeterminate → ...

Specify the onValueChanged property to handle value changes. In this demo, the value of the "Handle value change" CheckBox is passed to the "Disabled" CheckBox. Click the first CheckBox to see how it affects the second one.

You can use the iconSize property to specify custom dimensions for the CheckBox. To add a label to the CheckBox, specify the text property.